Chapter 48

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Chapter 48







“DON’T TOUCH HER!!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. I was trying to get free from their grip because I couldn’t just watch them abuse my child like they were! She was crying out for me and I couldn’t do anything.

“Bitch did you think we forgot about you?!” Imani said punching me in the face while Sasha and Sky held me on the ground so I couldn’t move.

The biggest bitch of them all…Emma was beating my child. Dre was standing there watching all of this.

“LEAVE HER ALONE! SHE IS JUST A BABY!” I yelled trying to fight them so I could attempt to get away.

“SHUT THE FUCK UP!” D’Andre said. He slapped Alyssa and she was just screaming and crying.

“Get the fuck off of me you stupid bitches!” I said elbowing Sasha and Sky then kicking Imani in her chin. I got up and ran over to get Alyssa but Dre jumped in front of me before I could get to her.

“Back your ass up before I fuck you up!” Dre said.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” I said. I was scared for my life.

“Bitch you think since punk ass E got some money ya’ll better than us?! I’ll kill you and this fucked up baby.”

“You’re not gonna touch her.” I said stepping in his face and staring him directly in the eyes.

“If I can’t have her then I guess I’ll just get you.” He said stepping closer to me and licking his lips.

“Watch yourself because your fucking with the wrong one.” I said pushing past him and grabbing Alyssa.

“Where the fuck you think you going?!” Dre said snatching me by the arm.

“Leave me the fuck alone and stay out of my house!”I yelled trying to get away from them.

“You not going nowhere until I get some of you.” He said.

I started hitting him with my free hand while still trying to hold onto Alyssa but it was hard.

“Get the baby!” Dre said to the bitches.

“Leave my baby alone!” I screamed holding on tightly as I could to Alyssa.

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