Chapter 4

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Chapter 4







The next few days were straight, E had been trying to call me but I wouldn’t talk to him. Me and Quez had a few conversations and he came and spent the night with me because my parents were still gone. I wish they would come back but they called and said they are gonna stay for a little bit longer like they don’t have a kid at home.

My doorbell rang and it was my girls so I went and opened the door for them then they attacked the kitchen and brought all kind of food to my room. I love them though.

LaMaya came and hugged me and I laughed at her.

“I know you and your boo are going through some things right now. He looked like he lost his best friend when we went to his house earlier.” She said smiling.

“Girl whatever, he been with his ‘girlfriend’ all day apparently.” I said.

“What you mean?”

“They together in all these bitch pictures. I wanna fucking slap the shit out of her.” I said grabbing Sky’s plate and eating chips off of it.

“Calm down sweetie, E is not going anywhere.” Imani said laughing.

“Don’t get me started on you and King.” I said smiling at her.

She laughed. “That’s my baby.”  She said.

“That ain’t what he said.” Sky said laughing.

“Shut the hell up Sky, you riding Jamahl nuts.” Imani said smiling.

Sky didn’t say anything else, she just rolled her eyes.

“Ya’ll hoes is crazy.” I said smiling.

“Ain’t they.” Sasha said smiling at her phone.

LaMaya moved next to me and showed me a text that was from Ezra.

It said:

U need to talk to ya girl mane I miss ha crazy ass shit she playin games not answerin the phone and shit.


I smiled and rolled my eyes.

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