Chapter 20

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Chapter 20






[ Friday ]

I was walking down the hall with Ezra on my side, we were back in school because our parents watched little Alyssa during the day since they didn’t really have anything else to do. LaMaya was the same way but she didn’t want to ever part from her son. She was soooo attached and it was so cute.

“EZRA!!!” Brea yelled and running over jumping on him and he hugged her laughing.

“Damn Brea.” Ezra said laughing.

“I’m sorry, Hey Zoey! I missed you guys and the baby.” Brea said hugging me and I just smiled and hugged her back.

“You saw me the other day Brea.” I said laughing.

“I know, but I missed you guys.” She said smiling.

“Did you and King fuck or something?” Ezra said.

King walked up slowly behind her and she looked at him smiling.

“Aw mane, ya’ll fucked?” E said looking at King.

King smiled and looked at us. “Why you ask?”

“No we haven’t did any sexual activities…well intercourse.” Brea said winking.

I just laughed and shook my head at Brea.

“Mane you bet not be out here doing shit you ain’t got no business doing Brea. I hate to whoop King ass for fucking with you.” Ezra said smiling.

“Bitch.” King said.

“Guys, can we go?” I said impatience.

“You straight?” Ezra said grabbing my waist.

“Yes, I just don’t want to stand here anymore.” I said.

“Cool baby get that frown off your face.” He said kissing me.

“I miss my baby.” I said.

“She gonna be alright, stop worrying.” Ezra said.

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