Chapter 15

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Chapter 15







“Why don’t they like me? I thought I was being nice to them. I wanted to be friends with them but they just completely flipped the script on me. I didn’t want to be rude but it was like to the point where I either continued standing there letting them talk about me, hit on me and not do anything or retaliate. I didn’t want to fight, I was trying to walk away and they just kept pushing me…I felt bad about hitting ‘ol girl like that anyways.” Brea said sitting on my bed painting her nails.

It had been a week since all that shit went down and school was starting in two weeks and I was kind of glad because when you don’t have shit to do some bad shit always happen.

“I mean I really wasn’t trying to take sides, I know right from wrong. Zoe my girl and all shit we all cool but I didn’t like the fact that Imani was coming at you the way she was and they were trying to jump in it. First off, I sat down and talked to my nigga about what he and Imani had going on and he said it wasn’t even a relationship they were just fucking but she wanted one. I didn’t agree with none of the shit that went down but at the same time I feel where you coming from cause they kept on fucking with you and I was just like fuck it, they don’t know how she get down she ain’t one these hoes you see pulling hair she beat ass and I think they understood that after you were done.” I said laughing.

“Omg you don’t understand like I was so mad and shit because the bitch hitting me and talking shit, I was just praying that I didn’t kill her because when I’m angry and I’m fighting it’s a wrap for whomever I don’t give a fuck.”

“I respect you for that though cause what they did was fucked up.”

“It’s all good though because I don’t need anyone by my side trying to help me fight and it made me so mad how she gonna say you and I was sleeping in the same bed. I’m like bitch so what, I don’t fucking want him at all he’s like my freaking brother. I don’t see you that way at all. I never have and I never will because our parents raised us like we were brother and sister so that’s what I thought. I can’t see us doing anything together. Are you not allowed to have girl friends?”

I laughed and looked at her.

“I do whatever the fuck I want shit and I’m not even trying to say it like that but damn I don’t know what’s wrong with Zoey. She don’t trust me, I ain’t did shit for her not to trust me…I don’t really know what’s up with that and it’s making me start to wonder if I even want to be with her.”

Brea looked up and stared at me for a long time.

“I thought she broke up with you.”

“I mean she did but she was just mad at the time and I ain’t said shit to her because I wanted to give her some space.”

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