Chapter 62

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Chapter 62











I was in the studio and I had just finished recording a song. I’m tired as hell to be real though, I haven’t been getting sleep lately.

“I brought your food.”  Giselle said sitting it down in front of me.

“Alright, ‘preciate it.” I said looking at the food.

“You’re welcome. I have scheduled your next tour which will start in two months. You also have a few shows coming up in two weeks that you need to prepare for.” Giselle said looking through her phone and writing things down.

I just stared at her.

“Ezra, are listening to anything I’m saying to you?” she said.

“Yeah, yeah.” I said.

“Is this okay with you?” she asked.

“Yeah, that’s cool.” I said opening my food.

“Alright, so I’m gonna confirm these rehearsals and it should be set.” She said opening her laptop and typing away.

“How everything going at home?” I asked looking at her.

She stopped typing and looked down then let out a sigh.

“E, please don’t. I’m really trying to stay professional right now.”  She said.

My phone was ringing but I ignored and stared at her.

“I wanna know Giselle.”

She looked at me before saying anything else.

“Let’s not talk about it, I don’t want any problems Ezra. You said it yourself, we only have a child together nothing else.”

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