Chapter 49

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Chapter 49








[ Mid-November ]



Everything is crazy. Life is crazy. I don’t know what to think anymore. I don’t know who to trust anymore. I even have thoughts when I feel like I shouldn’t be here.

It’s too much going on.

They’re trying to charge Ezra with murder, Alyssa don’t want anybody touching her or even being around her, Brea just got out the hospital three days ago and King has been there for her since this shit happened 3 weeks ago. The baby is fine thank God!

I’m frustrated because I have to be everyone’s backbone right now. It’s hard being the only strong one. I have been through so much shit and I don’t know how much longer I can keep this shit bottled up. If something else bad happens to me, I’m gonna break down.

I was sitting in Alyssa’s room putting her clothes on her so she could get ready to go to school. She doesn’t even talk anymore. It hurts me so much because that shouldn’t have happened to her. She’s a sweet little girl. She’s just really quiet now and it’s bothering me because she’s in fear of her life.

Ezra came and stood in the frame of the door. I looked over at him.

“What’s up?” I said.

“We need to talk.” Ezra said.

“Alright, just give me a minute.” I said.

Alyssa looked at me then she got in her bed and laid down trying to go back to sleep and I just let her. I got up and left her room and followed E downstairs to the kitchen.

“Sit down.” He said sitting at the table.

I sat down and stared at him as he grabbed my hands.

“What’s up?”

“Before I tell you this I just want you to know that I made a big ass mistake but I love you and my daughter from the bottom of my heart and I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. I love you Bella. You been with me forever and I’m glad you still here. I don’t know how you are gonna take this shit you might not even speak to me again and that’s fine but just know I love you and it was a mistake.” He said staring me directly in the eye.

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