Chapter 22

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Chapter 22






It’s been two and half weeks since LaMaya and D’Andre’s accident and the burial of their son. I cried my ass off because I had grown attached to him to but it couldn’t be compared to how much LaMaya loved him.

I didn’t want her to go crazy or try to kill herself so I made sure everyday I was at her house or she was mine and we were talking about it and I got her to laugh. She hasn’t really opened up to myself and D’Andre. He has been by her side since it all happened and I thank him for that cause I know she really loves him she just don’t want to be hurt again.

She says they aren’t together and I don’t blame her if she doesn’t want to get back with him but I feel like he’s trying to change and that’s a start. I feel really terrible because I know Dre is blaming himself when it was just an accident and truth be told, I knew nothing about that either.

“Lala.” I said to her as we walked into school.

She looked at me.

“What’s up girl?” she said with a soft smile.

She hasn’t went off on anybody since the incident, she’s been like an angel! It’s a good thing but I’m starting to miss the old LaMaya that wasn’t scared to tell people what was on her mind.

“Everything is going to be alright.” I said.

“Yeah I know. I talked to God last night and I believe in him that I will get through this…maybe it happened for a reason. I feel like he’s trying to tell me something.” She said as a single tear fell down her cheek and I wiped it away and she looked at me and smiled.

“It’s okay Lala, he probably is. I can’t really say what it is he’s trying to tell you but maybe he is trying to bring you and Dre closer together. He needs to get a DNA test on Emma’s son.” I said.

“You think he’s trying to bring me and Dre closer?” she said looking at me strangely.

I laughed. “Yes, think about it. You lost your baby which was a terrible accident but when he passed you and Dre became closer than ya’ll ever were. Maybe that baby isn’t his and God’s trying to tell you that by having Dre around you all the time and just caring for you. I can’t really explain to you what I’m saying in my mind but that’s a sign.”

“I love you Bella.” She said hugging me.

“I love you too Lala. You and Dre need to seriously sit down and have a talk.” I told her.

“You’re the bestest best friend in the world Zoey Isabella Garrison! I love you.” LaMaya said hugging me tight.

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