Chapter 24

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Chapter 24






I was at Ezra’s house with King and Brea. We were just all having a nice conversation. It was cool because me and Brea have become a lot closer than I thought we would and she’s a nice person.

“Zoey you real pretty.” King said.

Brea looked at him and I laughed.

“Thanks King, you look pretty too.”

“I was being serious.” He said.

“I know King.” I said.

He shook his head then him and Ezra started laughing.

“Are ya’ll like best friends?” Brea asked.

“That shit is gay.” Ezra said.

“No it’s not.” I said.

“Yeah, it is.” King said.

King and Ezra got up and walked out the room closing the door. Brea and I ignored them and we started to play with Alyssa and talking having all kinds of conversation.

“Are you still a virgin?” I asked Brea.

“Yes and being with King that sometimes scares me.” She said looking at me.

“Why? He don’t force it on you do he?”

“No, but I know he’s use to having sex and I don’t know when I’ll be ready so he might get bored and I will never forgive him if he cheat on me with another girl and because of sex.”

“If he love you, he’ll wait but I really think he likes you.” I said rocking Alyssa in my arms.

“Yeah I know because he tells me all the time. He’s so cute and I love him.” Brea said smiling big.

“You guys are adorable.” I said.

“We might be but nobody has anything on you and E. I have never in my life seen him so crazy over a girl. He really loves you and he means it whenever he say it. I love him and I’m glad he’s happy. He use to always say I can’t wait until I meet the right girl and all that bullshit but I see he did. Ya’ll cute.”

I smiled.

“He’s my other half, I promise you without him. I think I would die for real.” I said.

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