Chapter 19

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Chapter 19






I finally went back home after my mom and dad beg me and they said they would help and I need the help since I’m a junior in high school and I have a baby.

It’s been crazy but only a month and yesterday D’Andre came to Ezra’s house and it shocked the hell out of me but he said he wanted to be there for his kid.

When I left out the room so we could talk, we actually did talk and he didn’t touch me at all. He was saying how he was wrong for hitting on me all the time and that he wanted to do right.


I forgive him and everything and I’m glad he wants to actually see his son but there is no way in hell that we are getting back together. I’m pass that situation now.

I still believe he’s with Emma ass anyways cause she has his other son but she had him like in November, it’s March now! I guess he’s always over there with her. I don’t know.

I don’t really give a damn anymore, you can’t make a person do something they don’t want to do but I’m going to take him up on this.

He’s supposed to be here now but he hasn’t shown up yet so I don’t know.

I love my son to death and he’s so cute.

Nathaniel Harris was born on February 18 and that has to be the best day of my life. I never understood how a person could be so attached to someone they just met but…I am and I love him.

He was sleeping right now in the crib because I just fed him and put him to sleep and then Dre walked in my room and closed the door behind him and I stared at him.

“What took you so long?” I asked.

“I was with Emma and Jr.” he said.

Oh and did I mention that the bitch named him after Dre too! Just so I couldn’t! I’m going to kill her!

I rolled my eyes at him because even when we ain’t together this bitch is still first and I’m always second to every FUCKING thing!

“Why you gotta roll your eyes at me? I haven’t done shit.” He said sitting beside me on the bed.

“Whatever.” I said getting up and he grabbed my arm.

I looked at him like he was crazy because I know he wasn’t trying to start this again but he let me go and sighed.

“Why you gotta be like this LaMaya?”

“I’m not like anything D’Andre. Why did you let her name her son after you?” I asked him.

“…I didn’t really know about that.”

“That’s bullshit because you signed the birth certificate stupid ass.”

“Well it’s my kid what was I supposed to tell her no?”

“You know what whatever. I’m done, I don’t even care no more.” I said throwing my hands up in the air dramatically.

“What you mean you done and you don’t care?” he said standing up in front of me and I just stared at him.

“It means there will NEVER be a me and you again! You can go be with that bitch who got your kid when she cheated on your ass all those times and you still sitting over there with her.” I said getting mad and hitting him in the chest.

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