Chapter 11

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Chapter 11






My baby wasn’t sick anymore! It’s been four days and he’s fine now. I’m so happy.

“Mom.” I said sitting next to her on the couch.

My dad looked at me and I smiled at him.

“What is it?” she asked.

“Can I stay just the night at Ezra’s house please!!! Just this one time.” I was begging her because they knew that he and I were dating now so the first thing that comes to their mind is sex and they are kind of right but I don’t want to be with him because of that. I just want to be with him.

“No.” my dad said.

“Daddy please, you guys have been knowing him forever, why not?” I said.

“And we all know what happens when a girl and a boy gets together.” My mom said.

“That’s not fair mom and dad, I’m the only kid. You guys can not entertain me the way he can.” I said.

They both looked at me so fast and I think they thought about…sex but I wasn’t meaning it in that way.

“No.” they both said.

“Guys please! I won’t ask for anything else, I just have to go.” I begged.

“Let her go.” My dad said.

I screamed and jumped up.

“Thank you daddy.” I said hugging him.

“Yeah whatever Zoey, you know how I feel about you sleeping over at boys house but I trust Ezra.” He said.

“I love you guys so much and I’ll talk to you guys later.” I said grabbing my already packed bag and I jetted.

When I got to his house Sky was there with…Jamahl.

They were flirting and everything, I don’t know what’s going on with that situation but they look so adorable.

I spoke to E’s parents and then I went to his room and stopped because his door was closed and I heard another girl voice on the other side.

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