Chapter 38

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Chapter 38







“Did you leave with her after the party? That’s all I want to know King. You don’t even have to lie because I’m not gonna be putting up with this much longer.” Brea said to me.

“What Ima lie for Brea?” I asked looking at her.

“Because I realized you like to lie. If you went to her house and slept with her then be real with me don’t lie about it.”

I just stared at her sitting in my dorm room on my bed. We all made it to UCLA except Lala and Dre. They had they own issues nobody know about.

I did leave with this chick that Brea was talking about but I didn’t fuck her but I didn’t want to tell her because she trip over stupid shit.

“KING!” she yelled.

“What Brea?” I asked staring at her.

“You know what, forget don’t call my phone saying you want to see me. Fuck you.” She said heading to the door and I grabbed her and pulled her back.

“Chill out damn, why you want to come at me with this shit?” I said.

“Don’t tell me to chill out! You are making me come at you like this because you went and did God knows what with that girl and you’re lying to me about it.” She said hitting me in the chest.

“Brea I didn’t do shit with that girl damn.”

“But you left with her but you told me you couldn’t be with me because you were busy…with that bitch! If I catch her Ima beat her ass and I should beat your ass too!” she said slapping me in the face.

I just looked down at the ground while she continued cussing and shit.

“Mane is you finish?” I asked.

“Fuck you King.” She said walking away.

“Brea damn come back.” I yelled after her as she walked down the hall. She just flipped me the middle finger.

Fuck it.

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