Chapter 50

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Chapter 50








Ezra has been blowing my phone up for two days straight but I don’t want to speak to him at all because what he did to me was beyond fucked up. I been by his side for six straight years and we have a four year old daughter and he goes and cheat on me with his manager. He got that bitch pregnant!

“I’m so tired.” Brea said as we sat down in this café to have a drink before we went to go look at condos and apartments again. We’ve been doing it for two days and we haven’t come across a nice one with a decent price yet.

“I understand how you’re feeling.” I said.

“How are you holding up with everything that’s happened to you?” Brea asked staring at me.

“I’ve been crying myself to sleep every night because that’s all I can do. I don’t know what to do anymore, I was raped, my daughter was beat then I find out the love of my life has gotten another woman pregnant after I just lost my child. It’s too much. I often have suicidal thoughts but I have my baby girl here to live for…she doesn’t even like to talk anymore. She hasn’t been the same and I don’t know what to do. They tried to charge E with murder but somehow he got off so the charges dropped. My life is a complete wreck right now…and I’m just trying to be as strong as I possibly can and it’s hard.” I said fighting back tears.

“I still can’t believe all this has happened to you. You are a really strong girl Zoey and honestly I don’t know anybody else that’s as strong as you are. You have been through hell and back and you are still standing. I’m always gonna be here for you no matter what because you’re my friend. As far as the whole Ezra situation…I just can’t believe he did that. I know you’re hurting with everything that has happened to you but you’ll pull through it because you’re a soldier and you have the cutest little girl by your side.” Brea said smiling at me.

I love her.

“Oh Brea, your words are amazing. I’m gonna try to stay strong for my little girl though. I’m not thinking about anybody else but me and her.” I said.

“And that’s what you do if you feel that way.” She said.

“Hey girls.” Indiaah said taking a seat at our table with her coffee drink. She looked like she was going through some things too.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

“Jamahl cheated a while back and he just told me not too long ago but…what do I do? I love that boy with all my heart.” Indiaah said.

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