Chapter 65

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Chapter 65














[October 11th]

It’s Ezra’s birthday so I gave him this big birthday party at our house with family and friends. I’m glad that everyone showed up for him because he was really excited.

“Baby.” Ezra said walking into the kitchen and grabbing my waist.

“Yes?” I said turning and looking at him.

“Thank you for everything.” He said kissing me on the lips.

“You’re welcome babe.” I said.

“It’s been a while since all my old friends been together like this…shit is cool.”

“I know, I’m glad you like it.”

“You the best B.” he said.

“Okay, it’s time to cut the cake so go out there and let me get this ready.”

“Alright.” He said walking out.

I lit the numbers 23 on his cake and rolled it into the next room and everyone instantly started singing happy birthday to him. Alyssa and I were standing next to him and she was just as excited as he was.

“Daddy make a wish.” Alyssa said.

He was smiling too hard at the moment looking around then he finally blew the candles out and everyone clapped.

“Before we cut this cake, I just want to say that none of this would be happening without one of my favorite girls in the world. I just want to thank everybody for coming out and supporting, although some of my people may not be here. It doesn’t matter, I’m just happy because I already got everything I wanted. Anyways thank you.” Ezra said.

I smiled.

“Have Giselle dropped off Kayla yet?” Ezra asked me.

“No, I haven’t seen her.”

He looked around.

“Babe don’t worry, I’m sure she is on her way.” I told him.

“Oh, here she is.” He said looking past me.

I turned around and Giselle was walking towards us with Kayla.

“Happy Birthday Ezra, sorry I’m late.” Giselle said handing her to E.

“It’s cool, thank you though.” Ezra said.

“How are you?” I asked her.

“I’m taking things one day at time.” She said with a half smile.

I was trying to be mature about it, and it has been working the last few months which is great because we told old to be acting childish.

“Well, would you like to stay for a while?” I said to her.

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