Chapter 21

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Chapter 21







I knew it was an accident…

I was there…

I saw with my own eyes…

He didn’t mean to…

But he did…


I stood outside the door of my son’s room in the hospital. They were supposedly working on him but I knew what the outcome of this situation would be.

I would be the one hurt once again.

Sooner than I thought a doctor came out the room.

“…He didn’t make it…shaken baby syndrome…”

Those were the only words I heard and I just stared into outer space. Dre was sitting next to me and I just knew he was hurting worse than I was because he did it, I just don’t understand.

Dre was playing with Nathaniel and he was shaking him but I didn’t think that he was hurting him because he was laughing at first…

I don’t want to think about that shit.

My son is dead!

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up to see Zoey and Ezra. I looked away and just stared.

“It’s going to be alright.” Zoey said wrapping her arms around me.

We both knew that was a lie. She looked as if she had been crying for days and I still haven’t dropped a tear for some reason.

It’s not that I don’t want to, I guess it just haven’t got through my mind yet. I love him though.

I don’t believe he’s gone just like that!

He can’t be!

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