Chapter 64

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Chapter 64











We had just touched back down in Georgia. I wanted to visit LaMaya and her son’s grave because I planned on not coming to Georgia again for a while. It’s the hardest thing I’ve done in a while but I had my people with me so I wasn’t doing it alone.


I held the flowers in my hand with my sunglasses on my face and my hair blowing in the wind. I let out a sigh.

“Baby.” Ezra said grabbing my hand.

“She’s in a better place…they both are.” I said staring at their graves side by side.

“I miss her.” Brea said on the other side of me.

“We all do. I wish she could be here for my wedding at least…I know she would have been happy for me.” I said fighting back tears.

“It’s okay baby.” Ezra said.

“I know it is.” I said leaning down and placing the flowers on both of their graves.

Nobody understood LaMaya like I did and nobody ever would have.

“Damn.” I heard Jamahl say.

“Do you wanna be alone for a minute?” Brea asked.

I turned and looked at them.

“…actually it would be kind of nice please.” I said.

“Alright.” Brea said.

Ezra leaned down and kissed me before walking away.

“Where do I begin…sooo much has happened. I miss you so much, everything about you actually. No matter what you were going through you usually stayed positive and kept it real with everyone. I hate that in your last days you were going through so much & you never told me any of it. You knew I would have done anything for you. It’s still hard for me to accept that you’re gone but I’m taking it day by day. E and I are getting married…if I had one last wish it would be for you to be here one last time to be there for me. Now that I think about it there were a lot of nights before E & I hooked up that I use to tell you about him and you would always tell me to tell him how I felt…if it wasn’t for that I would probably still be crushing on him. I don’t want to talk much but you already know that I love you and even though you’re not here physically…you’re still here. Anyways, I love you & until next time…” I said standing and letting out a long breath.

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