Chapter 40

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Chapter 40








I banged on the door to Quez’s apartment until someone answered. It was Quez. I pushed him to the side and invited myself in and he looked at me crazy.

“Damn how ya’ll just gonna come up in here like that?” Quez said.

“Whatever, your friends have some explaining to do.” I said putting my hands on my hips.

King walked in with his shorts on and no shirt, he saw me and he tried to turn around like he wasn’t here.

“Get your ass back here now.” I said getting angry.

It took him forever to come back and when he did Jamahl came right behind him.

“What you doing here?” King said walking over to me.

“I could be asking you the same damn thing.” I said.

“What you mean?” he said smiling.

“What the hell is so damn funny?”

“Why you tripping on me, I haven’t did shit wrong.” King said.

“Sooo what hoe did you bring home and fuck last night…or rather this morning?”

“Damn, I can’t chill at my nigga crib no more?”

“You brought a stripper to his house and fucked her King. I know you.” I said.

He just stood there staring at me not saying anything and I just wanted to slap the shit out of him. He was pissing me the fuck off just standing here like nothing happened last night. I know he slept with some random girl and that shit just disgusts me.

“You don’t know what I did last night.”

I left my hands on my hips and stared at him like he was crazy.

“You know what I’m not about to play with your stupid ass! If you want to go out and fuck these other females then do it! I’m not putting up with that shit.” I said meaning every word.

“So what you gonna leave me?” he said.

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