Chapter 23

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Chapter 23






“LaMaya, are you listening to anything I’m saying to you right now?” D’Andre said tapping me.

I looked at him sitting across from me at the lunch table eating breakfast. I was thinking about my son. It’s been sooo stressful and hard without him but he’s in a better place.

“I’m sorry, what did you say?” I asked looking at him as he grabbed my hand and stared at me.

“What about us?”

“I’m not sure about that just yet Dre, I’m scared.” I said.

“I won’t hurt you again.”

“Are you sure that the baby is yours?” I asked.

He looked at me with this expression I couldn’t quite read.

“What are you trying to say?”

“I’m just asking…what if the baby isn’t yours?”

“It’s mine LaMaya.”

“How can you be so sure and everyone know she’s been sleeping around.”

“That’s my son, I can look at him and tell.” He said staring me directly in the eye.

“…I just want you to get a DNA test done before anything else betwe-”

“Hey babe, why didn’t you come home last night?” Emma said walking over and kissing D’Andre.

I grabbed all of my things and hurried out of the cafeteria on my way to first period. I heard him calling my name but I just couldn’t deal. I’m not even myself because if she had done that a couple of weeks ago I would have whooped her ass. I can’t even do that anymore, I’m tired of fighting and I feel like he was just filling my head up.

I’m so tired of people and their bullshit!

“LaMaya!” I heard D’Andre saying but I hurried and closed my locker trying to get away from him but he ran in front of me and I rolled my eyes.

“Let me go to class. Go be with your girlfriend!” I said.

“She not my girlfriend, that’s my babymama.”

“Whatever D’Andre, I can’t believe I was about to fall for you again but you know what I’m not going through all that shit with you. I’m done with it.” I said, my voice cracking.

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