Chapter 8

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Chapter 8








I had got back to Ezra’s house faster than I thought I would because my mom and dad weren’t home yet which was a good thing.

I found E on the couch looking like he was sleep and that bitch was on the couch too! I thought she was here for his sisters. I guess she just use that excuse to get closer to him.

I kissed him on the lips and said, “Wake up babe.”

“I’m up B. Let’s go upstairs.” He said.

I helped him off the couch and we went to his room and oh my gosh! LaMaya was there in his bed. I looked at him and he stared back at me.

“What the-where did you find her?” I asked him as I went over to the side of the bed she was laying on.

I’m glad he’s not nasty and changed his sheets.

“She was with Dre.” He said.

“He beat her?” I asked.

“Yeah, I actually caught him doing it and it pissed me off and we got into an altercation then I got her and we left.”

My face got so heated, I’m sure I was turning red. Just seeing her like this made me mad. Why the fuck would you do this to a girl?!

“Why’d he do it? Do you know?” I asked.

“She pregnant by him and he said it ain’t his then said Emma got his baby. That’s that shit I don’t like. This nigga knew he laid down and fucked her be a man bout yo shit and take care of your kid shouldn’t nobody have to tell you that.” Ezra said.

“E, your friends are here.” Madison said peaking in his room.

“Who?” he asked.

“King and Jamahl.” She said.

“Aight.” He said.

“Lala.” I said shaking her.

It took a moment but she opened her eyes and looked at me. My heart just broke and I felt so sorry for her.

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