Chapter 14

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Chapter 14






[ One week later ]

I didn’t want to wait any longer to tell my mom and dad. I wanted to be straight up with them and let them know what was going on, they are either going to hate it or like it. I don’t know and I don’t really care because it’s done. LaMaya, Zoey and I got our parents together at my house to just talk and let them know what’s up.

I looked at Zoey and she had a small smile on her face.

“What you smiling for?” I asked.

“Nothing, I’m nervous.” She whispered.

“It’ll be alright.” I told her.

“So what’s going on? Why are we all here?” My mom said.

Zoey looked at me and I just stared at her. I guess she didn’t want to tell them so I didn’t have a choice. I looked at them and let out a deep ass breath.

“Zoe pregnant.” I said staring at them.

The crazy thing about it, they didn’t even have a surprised look on their face…none of them.

“Uh, hello?” I said waving my hand in the air.

“Well…what are ya’ll going to do?” my dad said looking at me.

“Whatever I have to do I will do it.” I said.

“He’s helping Lala out too because ‘Dre just left her, he don’t think the baby is his but we all know it is.” Zoey said.

“So you’re taking care of two kids?” Zoey’s dad said looking at me.

“Yes sir…I guess you can say that. I had already told LaMaya I would help her out because Dre was bailing and I didn’t think that was right. Now I have to two to provide for and I mean it is what it is. I can’t complain because I know what I did.” I said.

“I don’t have much to say because ya’ll are all old enough to know right from wrong. You knew that when you had sex, you could pregnant. I’m not even mad because ya’ll are going to get the shock of your life when that baby is born and you will learn your lesson. It’s not easy taking care of a baby…it’s not so don’t think that.” My mom said.

“Ma we know that.” I said.

“I’m just saying Ezra. You have to realize that when this child is born you aren’t ever going to leave the house without it. You have things to think about now like who is going to financially support this child? Who’s going to watch it if you are going back to school? How are you going to do things? It’s a lot of responsibility than what you think and ya’ll are in for the time of your life. You think you are tired and can’t do nothing now nine months or however long you will be in shock.” She said.

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