Chapter 36

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Chapter 36






[ March; Spring Break ]



It had been two and a half weeks later and everybody that could come to Los Angeles with me did which was mine and Zoey parents including her and Alyssa thankfully and then Brea, Jamahl, Lala, Indiaah and King. Oh and my sisters, Madison and Aaliyah, too! Lorenzo was in critical condition so I didn’t want to bother him and Quez and Dre couldn’t come due to other reasons probably other family vacations, I don’t know but it’s straight. We’re just gonna be in California for our spring break.

When our plane touched down they had two limos waiting for us with the chauffeur standing at the door waiting on us. I looked at Zoey and she had this big smile on her face.

“I think they really want you baby.” She said to me.

“Yeah me too.” I said helping her into the car as he grabbed our bags.

Our parents rode in the second limo and we were in the first one.

“E, I’m so proud of you.” King said staring at me smiling.

His ass was still on medication so he was high.

“Thanks bro…but I’m not just sure yet.” I said honestly.

“Babe it’s a good opportunity.”

“And if you do get famous you  won’t have to worry about gold digging hoes just wanting you cause you’re next and you’re rich.” Brea said.

I smiled and stared at Alyssa in Zoey’s arms, she was sleeping and I could tell it wasn’t comfortable so hopefully we’ll be getting to our destination soon.

“If I do choose this lifestyle it’s going to be about my daughter and my future wife hopefully.”

“Awww, that’s so cute.” Indiaah said smiling.

“I am going to be your wife one day if you don’t mess up.” Zoe said.

“I’m not.”

“When was the last time ya’ll fucked?” Jamahl said.

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