Chapter 58

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Chapter 58










I don’t know what to think about King anymore. God knows I love him to death but we are going in two different directions and he just isn’t the same boy I fell in love with years ago. I have tried over and over to make this shit work but I don’t want to be put through anymore bullshit anymore. I just want us to be at an understanding right now so we are having a kid together.

I called him over to my place so we could talk about everything.

“Why are you so happy?” I asked Zoey.

“No reason.” She said smiling big.

“You haven’t been smiling like that in a while…so there must be a reason.” I said.

Before she could even say anything E came from out of her room and my jaw just dropped. Damn, when did all this take place.

“What the hell? I thought you went to sleep right after I did last night.” I said.

“No, he came over right after you said you were going to sleep…but we’ll talk.” She said winking at me.

Ezra looked at me and I just smiled at him.

Well I guess they are going to work on their relationship and that’s good. I’m happy for them. There was a knock at the door and I figured it was King so I went and answered it.

It was him.

“Come on.” I said walking to my room and closing the door.

He sat down on my bed and I sat beside him.

He’s so cute and his dreads are so long.

“Well…no matter what King I just want you to know that I love you and I have given you every piece of me and for some reason things have not been a walk in the park for us. I don’t think we need to be together right now, I just rather us do this parenting thing and if it’s meant to be with us then it’ll happen. I don’t want to be put through any more of your shit King, I can’t take it. I just want us to be at an understanding.” I said looking at him.

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