Chapter 33

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Chapter 33







[Two days later; Sunday]



I have been crying non-stop since Friday night but I only did it when Ezra wasn’t around because I wasn’t ready to tell him but now I don’t have a choice because now Anton has my number and won’t stop blowing my phone up. How he got it, I don’t know!

I’ve been feeling really uncomfortable since it all happened and E notices so he don’t even try to touch me anymore and I hate that I’m pushing him away but I’m just scared. I’ve had myself covered completely because I don’t even want anybody to see even though nothing’s there.

Ezra walked in the room and laid Alyssa down in her crib because he just put her back to sleep then he came and got in the bed with me and I guess I should just go ahead and tell him but I’m so scared of what he might do.

I can’t tell him.

“You straight?” Ezra asked staring at my phone as it vibrated with a text from Anton.

He grabbed the phone before I could snatch it away from him.

“Yo, who is this nigga texting you talking about he enjoyed ya’ll bathroom session at the party?” Ezra asked staring at me.

I wanted to cry. I didn’t know how to tell him.

“You fucked somebody else?”

“Ezra, just please let me explain.” I said holding back tears.

“Wait Zoe, I just asked a question. Answer it.” He said staring me up and down.

“Yes, it almost happened but it didn’t.”

“So you cheated?”

“No, it’s nothing like that…I just really have to tell you something but I’m scared.” I said getting out of the bed.

“What is it?” he asked slowly getting mad.

“I…I…uh…E…I was…I almost…got raped…on Friday by Anton. He’s been sending all kind of stuff to my phone.” I said.


“I was scared of what you might do…he pulled my underwear down and put himself between my legs…” I cried.

“Oh my fucking God, I’m going to jail.” Ezra said putting his clothes on.

“No, don’t E.” I said walking over to his side of the bed and wrapping my arms around him but that didn’t stop him from getting dress.

“Why didn’t you tell me that shit when it happened?” he asked.

“…I was scared and I didn’t know what to do or think…I’m still scared now.” I said wiping tears from my eyes.

“I’m going to fucking jail because I’m about to go kill him.” E said.

“No, I need you.” I cried.

“Zoey his punk ass tried to rape you, that shit ain’t sitting well with me. I’m about to put a stop to all this shit.” Ezra said getting up from the bed and reaching in the top of his closet.

He revealed a gun and I felt shivers all over. I didn’t even know he owned a gun.

“E please don’t.” I cried.

“Zoe stop, go lay down.” He said sitting the gun down and laying me in the bed.


After I laid her in the bed, I kissed her and Alyssa’s forehead because at this point I didn’t know if I was gonna make it back home alive and I really didn’t give a fuck. I’m not a killer until you push me.

I got my gun and left the house in my mom’s rental car. I hit King up and let him know what’s up and he said he would meet me, not that I was scared cause I’m not but they about to get a hot one in the fucking chest.

Don’t nobody fuck with babymama like that.

When I finally found this nigga he was sitting on some steps outside. I stopped right in front of the house and got out with my gun tucked. I walked up to him and one other nigga.

“So you the nigga that tried to rape Zoey in the bathroom on Friday?” I said staring at Anton. I knew exactly who he was.

“What the fuck you gon do? That’s my bitch not yours.”

“Don’t call her a bitch…fuck this.” I said punching him in the face and hitting the nigga beside him. I was fighting both of them at the same damn time and then pulled the gun and I fired them damn shots right at both of their chest cause I don’t give a fuck.

I unloaded all my bullets on these two niggas.

Fuck the police!

Shit was taken too far when they started fucking with Zoey. I don’t play about her.

I don’t know if they are dead or not but…honestly I DON’T GIVE A FUCK!


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