Ch. 21: Secrets

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After you had found out about one of the horcruxes, you and the trio were making a plan to retrieve it from Umbridge.


After getting a polyjuice potion ready, the trio caught the people they wanted to transform into. You one the other hand, didn't really need to transform as your father was an auror, therefore you had access to certain areas in the Ministry of Magic.

"You guys ready?" you asked. They nodded their heads. They followed after you and Cedric as you entered.

Letting out a sigh, you said, "Let's do this." and walked in.


Heading to the elevator, you saw Umbridge come in. "Oh. Hello miss (l/n)." she spoke. "Hello, Umbridge." you replied dully. "Before I forget to mention, your father needs to see you in his office." she spoke before leaving with Hermione (in disguise). "Thank you." you said and she left.

'What now?' you thought. So much was happening all at once.

"I'll catch up with you guys later." you said to the boys. They nodded and you walked to your father's office.


Knock knock 

"Father. It's me." you spoke. "Come in." he spoke.

You walked in and to your horror, you saw Barty Crouch Jr. "You!" you snapped, glaring at him.

"Well well. If it isn't the pretty girl." he smirked.

"What's going on?" you looked at your father. He lifted his sleeve, revealing a dark mark that looked exactly like the one Draco had on his arm.

"No..." you backed away. "No."

"I'm sorry, (y/n). I had no choice. The dark lord knows that you're friends with the boy who lived. The whole family will be in danger." he said. 

"It's true, missy." Barty spoke. "Might as well make this easy for your parents and tell me where Harry is."  You glared at him, "Over my dead body!" He was just about to get up from the chair but your father stopped him. "We'll talk outside." he said. Your father led you out of the office.

"Why, father? Why?" you asked.

"Forgive me. I'm doing this to protect you and your mother." he said. "Where is she? Where is mom?" you asked.

"She's at the Malfoy Manor." he replied. "Go and protect your friend Harry. I'll hold them off for as much as I can." he said.

You nodded and hugged him before saying goodbye. "Goodbye, father." you said and left.

As you were running and searching for the boys, you thought and knew that you needed to act fast, knowing that your parents were risking their lives to help you and Harry. 'Don't worry Mom and Dad. I'll help Harry defeat the dark lord and save you.'

*(a/n): Sorry if this is boring or stupid. I'm out of ideas and thought 'Why not?' and put this in*

You finally found the trio and Cedric, running away from an enemy.

"Guys! Over here!" you shouted. They ran to you and you all aparated.


"(Y/n)! Help!" Hermione screamed after you all appeared in the forest.

You saw Ron, collasped on the ground and his arm was bleeding. Reaching into your bag, you got some medicine and poured some onto his wound.

"We'll set up camp here." you said as you were setting up the tent with Harry and Cedric's help.

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