Ch. 22: Captured

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It was a quiet night and the radio was playing to break the silence.

You were sitting on your bed with Hermione, reading.

Harry noticed that you had a sad expression on your face and walked over to the radio to turn the volume up catching Hermione, Cedric, and your attention.

Cedric knew what Harry had in mind and walked over to you, offering his hand to you. You looked up at him, smiling, as you took his hand and walked with him to the center of the tent alongside Harry and Hermione.

Cedric placed your hands on his shoulders and placed his hands on your waist as he was in lead.

Your feet were in sync and smiled, making the others smile too. They were glad to see you smile after a couple days of you being quiet and sad.

Cedric held your hand up as you twirled while Harry and Hermione did the same. Laughter filled the tent.

After dancing for some time, you all sat down. 

*The next night*

You all apparated to Godric's Hollow.

"I still think we should use Polyjuice potion." Hermione suggested.

"No." Harry replied, "This was where I was born. Not turning into someone else."

A clock chimed and you saw a few people walking about.

"Guys. I think it's Christmas Eve." you said. "Listen." You could hear singing.

Harry looked over and something caught his attention and he walked towards it, slowly.

Hermione was brushing snow off a tombstone and noticed Harry standing in front of a different one form afar.

You, Hermione, and Cedric walked over and saw that the tombstone was for his parents. Tears were streaming down his face and his face was slightly red. Hermione made a small wreath for the grave and you wrapped your arm around Harry's shoulders to comfort him.

"Merry Christmas, guys." Harry said, wiping his tears away. You leaned your head on his shoulder, "Merry Christmas, guys."

Harry noticed a woman walking towards a broken down house and he recognized the place. You followed after him as he rushed over there.

"This was where my parents were murdered." he spoke.

You looked over and saw the lady standing there, staring at you. Something about her made you feel uneasy.


Standing in the house, you all decided to split up to search the area. You were alone with Cedric and Hermione was with Harry.

Looking through some bookshelves, you found a book that had Rita's name and Dumbledore's name on it. As you were reading a note that was attached to it, you heard screams from upstairs, "(Y/N)!! Cedric!!" Hermione screamed. 

Cedric ran after you as you were rushing up the stairs, only to see a huge ass snake attacking Harry and Hermione. 

The snake bit Harry's arm and he let out a shout of pain. He grabbed a brick and hit it on the head, causing it to let go.

It lunged towards Hermione, who was closer. Before it could bite her, you shouted, "Reducto!" striking the snake, knocking it through the wall.

You all apparated away and back to the tent.


You and Hermione were asleep and suddenly you heard Harry and Cedric calling for you form outside.

You and Hermione slowly walked out, still a little sleepy.

Your eyes widen when you saw standing before you.... Ron.

Ron looked at you and said, "Hey." Your eyebrows arched and before you could say or do something, Hermione walked over and took his bag and threw it at him.

"You SHOW up. After WEEKS. And YOU say Hey?" she snapped.

The entire time Hermione and Ron were arguing, you and Cedric stood at the side, not really wanting to engage into it.

The locket that was retrieved from Umbridge was now destroyed and Harry had the Gryffindor sword.

*Sorry with all of the time skips*

You, Cedric, and the trio were in the woods when you suddenly heard rustling surrounding you.

You saw Death Eaters surrounding you and you all ran.

Despite your best efforts of fighting back and trying to get away, they were still able to catch all of you. 

The deatheaters apparated with you all stood before the Malfoy Manor.

*Sorry that this is a short chapter. I'll update ASAP*

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