Ch. 3: The day we met

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You were back at Hogwarts and you were sitting under a tree with Cedric in the courtyard.

"(y/n)?" Cedric looked over at you. You looked back at him. "Do you remember when we first met?" You smiled and nodded, "Yeah, it was in this exact spot we're sitting at."


It was your first year and you were sitting by yourself under a tree in the courtyard. You were reading a book until you heard a taunting voice, "Well well. If it isn't little miss (y/n) (l/n)." You looked up and saw Pansy and 2 girls walking over to you. 

One of the girls snatched the book from your hands and you quickly got up and said, "Give it back!" Daphne was holding the book and sneered, "Want it back? You'll have to take it from me then!" you walked towards her but she threw it at Millicent and you went over to her, but she threw it at Pansy. You tried to get it from her but she forcefully shoved you to the ground. "What's wrong? Can't get it back because you're weak and a coward?!" Pansy taunted you. 

The three girls laughed and you heard Professor McGonagall, "Girls! I will not tolerate such behavior! You three will follow me to Dumbledore's office immediately!" Pansy threw the book at you and followed after her, with the 2 girls glaring back at you and following behind.

Out of embarrassment and shame, You hugged your legs tightly and cried into them. "Are you alright?" You heard an attractive and gentle voice. You slowly lifted your head and saw a hand extended out to you. Your eyes trailed up from the hand to a charming smile, like one you had never seen before. The boy had grey eyes, dark brown hair, and perfect features and you couldn't help but blush a little. You took his hand and he helped you up off the ground.

"I saw those girls picking on you and reported it immediately. I'm Cedric by the way, Cedric Diggory." the boy spoke. You stuttered a little bit, "I-I'm (y/n), (y/n) (l/n)." he smiled and said, "I'm also a third year and in Hufflepuff. What about you?" You replied, "I'm a first year and in Gryffindor."

He smiled and said, "I hope to see you more often, would you like to have dinner with me later tonight?" You nodded and said, "Sure, I'd love to." He nodded and said, "Alright. I'd better get going now. I'll see you later (y/n)." and he waved and walked off.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione ran over to you, "(y/n)! Did Pansy hurt you?!" Harry consoled. You reassured them that you were alright and told them about Cedric.

*Flashback ends*

You and Cedric talked about the flashback and he said, "That was the best time of my third year." and you replied, "That was the best time for my first year." and he hugged you tightly.

*Sorry that this is a short chapter*

Cedric Diggory x Reader (Re-Written)Where stories live. Discover now