Ch. 5: First Task

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You separated Ron and Harry from each other during their fight in the courtyard and walked off with Harry.

Draco called out, as he was sitting up in a tree.

Why so tense Potter? My father and I
have a bet you see. I don't think you're
gonna last ten minutes in this tournament.
He disagrees. He thinks you won't last

You and Harry walked up to him and he shoved him back and said:
I don't give a damn what you or your
father thinks Malfoy. He's vile and
cruel, and you're just pathetic.

Harry grabbed your hand and started to walk away and Draco angrily tried casting a spell.

appeared and quickly turned Malfoy into a ferret.

I'll teach you to cast when someone's
back is turned.

MCGONAGALL ran over to the scene
Professor Moody what are you doing?


Is that- Is that a student?

Technically it's a ferret.

Mad-Eye was making the ferret hover around. He sent it up the
trouser leg of one of Draco's friends. He squirmed and looked uncomfortable.

Everyone else was laughing. Mad-Eye winked to you and Harry and he laughed.
Eventually it came back out and McGonagall turned Draco back
to normal.

My father will hear about this!

Is that a threat!

Draco ran away and Mad-Eye shouted after him.

I could tell you stories about your
father that would curl even your greasy
hair boy! It doesn't end here!

We never use transfigration as a punishment,
surely Dumbledore told you that.

He might've mentioned it.

Well you will do well to remember it.

MAD-EYE looked at Harry and said, "come with me."

Harry waved to you and walked off with him.

You walked around and saw Cedric with his friends. "(y/n)!" Cedric called you over and you walked over to him. His friends shouted, "Calling over your little girlfriend now?" and they laughed. They stopped after a few minutes and apologized, "Sorry, we were just messing with you guys."

Cedric walked with you to the hallway. He looked at you and saw that you didn't seem to be happy at all, "Hey. Is something wrong?" He stopped in his tracks and had worry all over his face. You stood in front of him and looked down. He placed his hand on your shoulder and reassured you, "Come on (y/n). You can tell me. I'm here for you." You looked up at him with tears forming  in your eyes. He pulled you in for a tight hug and said with a soft tone, "Talk to me. What happened?" 

You sniffled and explained to him about the issue with your friends and that you have been trying to help but it wasn't working. Cedric wiped your tears away and said, "Don't worry, they'll work things out, you'll see." you nodded and he hugged you. 


You stood with the champions in the tent as they were waiting for the First Task to start.

You told Victor how much of a big fan you were of him and he placed his hand on your shoulder and smiled, "Thank you. Your kindness overwhelms me." and he took out a piece of paper and put his signature on it. You asked him if he could sign another one for Ron, who was also a huge fan of him. After that, you thanked him and then walked over to Fleur and hugged her, "Good luck Fleur, you can do it!" and she smiled. You hugged Harry and said, "You'll be alright. I promise." and he smiled.

You walked over to Cedric and you both walked to a corner of the tent and hugged each other and held each other for a while. But then you saw a flash that caught you off guard and Rita Skeeter walked to the camera, "Such a wonderful couple you two are!" and your face was red as a tomato and you stuttered, "We're not a couple!" and she walked off and didn't hear what you said. You covered your face in embarrassment and Cedric hugged you, "It's alright (y/n)."

You kissed his cheek and walked off to the stands to sit with your friends. Cedric blushed and smiled as you walked away.

You sat down next to Ron and handed him one of the sheets Victor signed. He looked at the slip and then at you. He stood up and hugged you and apologized, "I'm sorry about how I acted (y/n). You're right, he never asked for any of this." You smiled and hugged him back. He then said, "Let's cheer for our friends." and you nodded.

First it was Victor's turn. You and Ron cheered loudly and he got the golden egg with ease. "That was awesome!" you and Ron looked at each other and said in unison.

Fleur was next and her plan was flawless. You felt a little jealous that she was perfect and all, but supported her.

Cedric was next and you cheered loudly for him. "So sweet! You're cheering for your man." Hermione and Ginny teased. You blushed of embarrassment. You screamed and covered your face when you saw him get burned, but he was still able to get the golden egg. He was taken to the hospital wing shortly afterwards.

Harry was the last to go and you and your friends all cheered for him. The problem for him was that he had the most dangerous dragon. It was too dangerous that it broke loose from the chains. Mad-Eye had Harry's broom and it flew to Harry and he flew off and the dragon chased after him.

Minutes later, you heard shouting and saw Harry fly back with the dragon still chasing him. He caught the golden egg and escaped and the dragon got caught and chained up again.

In the Gryffindor room, everyone was cheering for Harry and they chanted for him to open it. When he did, horrible and painful shrieks came out and he immediately closed it back up. "What the hell was that?" You exclaimed.

Cedric Diggory x Reader (Re-Written)Where stories live. Discover now