Ch. 12. : Traitor

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Umbridge has made a group called The Inquisitorial Squad, a group that would make sure that students weren't misbehaving or doing anything suspicious. You noticed that Pansy, Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle were all in it along with some other students, including Mr. Filch. You and Dumbledore's Army had to be extra careful.

"I can't believe that I'm now part of the group!" Draco said with pride. You smiled and said, "Good luck on it." he smiled and said, "Thanks for the support. You're a really good friend." He hugged you. Pansy saw you two hugging and glared at you from afar.


You were struggling a little on producing a patronus, "Need some help?" You looked over your shoulder and saw Harry smiling at you. You smiled back at him and nodded.

"Just think of a very happy memory and concentrate on it." he said. You nodded and then thought of a happy memory.

You thought of a happy memory that your mother told you:

You were 1 year old and taking your first steps. Your father was sitting on the ground, holding his arms out for you to walk to him. "Dada!" was the word you kept saying excitedly as you clumsily walked over to him. "Yes, I am your Dada!" he smiled proudly. Your first word was 'Dada', which made your father proud. He wrapped his arms around you and hugged you tightly when you made it to his arms. "That's our girl!" Your mother cooed. Your father pulled your mother in for a group hug.

*Flashback ends*

"(y/n)! Look!" Luna exclaimed. You opened your eyes and saw a (Favorite animal) that was blue and it flew around you and Harry patted your back, "You did it, (y/n)!" he praised. Too bad Cedric wasn't there. But the question was, where is he? And you noticed that Cho wasn't there as well.

You suddenly heard a boom and looked over at the wall. The wall crashed down and you saw Umbridge with some of her members

 The wall crashed down and you saw Umbridge with some of her members

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You saw Draco drag Cho and Cedric over and your mouth hung opened. Draco saw you and his eyes widened. "Get them!" Umbridge shouted.

Pansy charged at you and smirked at you, "Looks like Mrs. Diggory is going to be expelled." she said with a taunting voice. You tried to squirm out of her grip and Draco walked over, "Let go of her. I'll take her." Pansy scoffed and pushed you to the ground and went after Hermione. Draco helped you up off the ground.


Dumbledore took the blame for all of the members in his Army and was able to flee with his phoenix bird. You and your friends were all brought to Umbridge's office..

Harry was sat down in a seat and Umbridge shouted at him. She slapped him in the face and you couldn't bare to look anymore and Draco noticed and wrapped an arm around your shoulders. You looked at Cedric and couldn't believe that he ratted the whole group out along with Cho to Umbridge. He was looking at you with jealousy and regret and you looked away.

Cedric Diggory x Reader (Re-Written)Where stories live. Discover now