Ch. 4: Champion Selection

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You were seated with your friends (The trio, the twins, Ginny, Neville, Seamus, and Dean) at the Great Hall and Barty Crouch came in and announced the Triwizard Championship, but unfortunately only sixth years or older could join. 

"That's rubbish!" the twins and other people shouted. You were glad on the other hand and if you were able to, you sure as hell wouldn't. You sunk down in your seat and students from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic (France) and Durmstrang Institute (Northern Europe) entered the Great Hall.

Your jaw hung open when you saw Victor Krum come in and you and Ron looked at each other and stared in awe. After they all made their entrance, they all sat at different tables. You saw 2 beautiful girls from Beauxbatons come over to your table and they smiled at you and sat across from you. So many thoughts ran through your head, "Why are they sitting across from me?" "Are they really wanting to be friends with me?"

One of the 2 girls extended their hand out to you and smiled, "My name is Fleur, Fleur Delacour." you shook her hand and smiled, "My name is (y/n) (l/n)." the other girl also extended her hand and said, "And I'm her little sister, Gabrielle." and you shook her hand as well. "It's really nice to meet you." Fleur said with a bright smile. The three of you chatted for a while and got to know each other. "You seem like a really nice girl. We hope that we can see you more often." Fleur gushed with enthusiasm. You nodded and said, "Look forward to it."


You were giving a little tour of Hogwarts to your 2 new friends and they looked around with amazement. 

"Look girls, It's (y/n) again!" you looked over and saw Pansy, Daphne, and Millicent strut over to you. Pansy forcefully shoved you into the wall and Fleur and Gabrielle stood in front of you. "Excuse me? Who do you think you are, treating people like this?" Pansy and her friends snickered and said, "Whatever." and walked off laughing.

Fleur had her hand on your back and consoled you, "Are you alright?" you nodded and she asked, "Do they always treat you like that?" and you replied dully, "Since my first year here." Gabrielle reassured you, "You're amazing (y/n). Don't let them make you think otherwise." you smiled at them and they hugged you. (Group hug! Yay!)


You were in the Great Hall and the twins made a potion. "It's not going to work." Hermione snickered at the twins. They didn't listen and both shouted, "Bottoms up!" and drank the potion. They jumped across the line and put their names in the Goblet. Minutes later, the goblet threw their names out and pushed them back. They had beards and white hair appearing.

"You said! YOU said!" the twins shouted at each other started tackling each other. Everyone surrounded them and chanted, "Fight! Fight! Fight!" while you and Hermione just looked at each other and rolled your eyes.

Everyone went silent when Victor and Fleur came in and put their names in the Goblet. You noticed that Victor stared at Hermione for a few minutes and they made eye contact and he walked off. You saw Cedric walk over and put his name in the Goblet. He saw you sitting with Hermione and winked at you. 

Hermione elbowed you and said, "I can tell that you're blushing." You were blushing of embarrassment and hid your face. Cedric walked over to you and you both walked out together

"Was that cool or what?" Cedric chuckled as you were walking with him in the hallway. You nodded at him and said, "I'm just worried that something bad will happen." He looked at you and said, "Don't worry (y/n). It'll be alright."

Since it was almost curfew, Cedric walked with you to the door to the Gryffindor room. You hugged him and said, "Don't do anything stupid." and he hugged you back and replied, "I promise I won't." and he walked off and waved to you.

You went into the common room and your friends were all sitting on the couches. As soon as they saw you, the twins hugged and George said with a girly tone, mimicking you, "Don't do anything stupid." and Fred said with a deep tone, mimicking Cedric, "I promise I won't, my darling lover girl." Your face was as red as a tomato and you shouted, "Ok! That's it!" and you chased after the twins and laughter filled the room.

"Get back here!!" You shouted and the twins said, "Awwwww! We made her angry!" You caught up to them and grabbed the back of their shirts, but they turned around and crushed you in between them and they yelled, "Sandwiched!!"

*Skipping to the Champions are being selected now*

Dumbledore read the names that were chosen for the Champion selection. 

"Cedric Diggory!" Everyone was cheering as Cedric walked up to Dumbledore and took the piece of paper and walked out to where the champions meet.

"Victor Krum!" The room boomed with cheers and he took the piece of paper and walked out.

"Fleur Delacour!" Everyone cheered and she had her perfect smile on and walked out.

But then another paper came out and Dumbledore called out, "Harry Potter?" Whispers filled the room and Harry's eyes widened, "I don't understand. I didn't put my name in it."

"HARRY POTTER!" Dumbledore shouted and Harry hesitantly got up and walked out.

"What a cheater." Ron scoffed. You looked at him and snapped, "Ron!" He rolled his eyes in response. "He didn't ask for this to happen, Ron. Come on!" you pleaded. He looked at you and sneered, "So now you're standing up for a cheater?" You glared at him, "He's not a cheater." you snapped back at him. He stood up, staring you down, "Got any proof?!" and you stood up and glared at him. "Stop it you two!" Hermione placed her hand on your arm and snapped. You looked at her and sat back down. You sunk down in your seat and didn't know what to do or even say.


You were with Harry and Ron, Hermione, and Ginny came. "Hagrid needs to see you." Hermione informed Harry. Harry said, "Well, tell him that-" he was cut off, "I'm not an owl!" and they walked off, leaving you and Harry alone. You looked at each other and sighed. "Believe me (y/n). I didn't put my name in the goblet!" You hugged him and comforted him, "I know. I believe you."

Cedric Diggory x Reader (Re-Written)Where stories live. Discover now