Ch. 2: The Quidditch World Cup

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*Feeling pretty down and somewhat discouraged from writing not only this story, but others in the future. I'll still try my best with writing this story for all of you. I hope that you understand that this might take some time for me to get back to where I ended on the previous one that had been delete*

You walked beside Ginny and Hermione and Mr. Weasley called out, "Keep up girls."

You and the girls looked at each other and giggled and Cedric walked beside you and held your hand again. You looked up at him and blushed. Ginny and Hermione saw it and giggled. They walked ahead of you to leave you alone with Cedric.

"Just wanting to make sure that you won't get lost." Cedric teased. You blurted out of embarrassment, "I won't get lost!" and you made a pouty face at him. He chuckled, "Are you sure about that, (y/n)?" and you both just laughed and he wrapped his arm around your shoulders.

When you got to an area, Mr. Diggory suggested to you and the others, "Hey (y/n). If you want to, you can go with me and Cedric and we'll met up with the others later." You looked at your friends and they all nodded, all knowing that you had a crush on Cedric. You smiled and said, "Sure, I'd love to." Mr. Diggory smiled and said, "Then we're off." and you followed after him and Cedric.

After walking for some time, you arrived at their tent. Cedric stood by the entrance and insisted, "Ladies first, (y/n)." You smiled and went in. Mr. Diggory patted his back and acknowledged his gesture, "That's my boy." and went in and Cedric followed behind.

"I will be right back you two. I will need to get a few things." Mr. Diggory stated and left the tent, leaving and you and Cedric alone.

He sat down on one of the couches and you sat on another one. You talked for some time and Mr. Diggory came back.


You were waiting for the others and minutes later, they arrived. You were walking up the stairs and Ron exclaimed, "Bloody hell! How many steps are we going up?!"

"Well put it this way. If it rains, you'll be the first to know." you all looked and saw Mr. Malfoy and Draco. Draco noticed you and winked at you. You just looked at him and thought, "You little shit..." Little did you know, Cedric noticed and couldn't help but get a little jealous. Mr. Malfoy noticed you and smiled, "Hello (y/n). How is your father doing?" (Your father is good friends with him and Draco is your childhood friend). You replied to him, "He's doing well sir."

Draco decided to boast and say, "Father and I got a personal invitation by the Ministry of Magic. By Cornelius Fudge himself!" You groaned in irritation and Mr. Malfoy snapped at him, "Don't boast Draco!" You and your friends turned to leave and Mr. Malfoy gently tapped you with his cane and you all looked at him, "Enjoy the game, my dear." He smiled at you. You smiled back at him and replied, "Thank you, sir. You too." He nodded and walked off with Draco.

"Remind me, why is he so nice to you?" Harry asked out of curiosity as you were walking up the stairs. You looked at him and replied, "He's really good friends with my father. They were childhood friends. That's also why Draco and I are childhood friends as well." Harry nodded and continued up the stairs. Although Harry obviously didn't like Draco, he respected the fact that you two were close friends and didn't want to intervene.

After getting to the top, you all cheered as each team made their entrance. You saw your favorite seeker Victor Krum and cheered with excitement overwhelming you. You and Ron shouted in unison, "He's amazing!!" Not only were you a fan of him, but so was Ron.

After the teams made their entrances, Cornelius Fudge made his announcement and the tournament started, and screams of joy filled the entire area.


After the tournament, you were in the Weasley tent with your friends. The twins tried to do the Irish dance and Ron shouted, "There's no one like Krum!" and you stood up next to him and added, "He's like a bird, the way he flies through the sky!" and the twins used their Irish cloaks like wings and made ridiculously hilarious bird sounds. "He's an artist!" Ron exclaimed. Ginny teased him, "I think you're in love, Ron." and you and Hermione giggled.

The twins sang:

"Victor I love you!

Victor I do!"

Harry held your hands and you both joined in on the fun, "When we're apart, my heart beats only for you!" and the tent was filled with laughter and gasps for air.

But the fun ended when Mr. Weasley, Mr. Diggory, and Cedric came in. "We have to leave! There's an attack occurring outside!" Mr. Diggory shouted and you all got your belongings and headed out.

Hermione held onto your hand as you followed behind her and the others, trying to flee. But a crowd of people separated you from the group. You heard not only Hermione's voice, but Cedric's voice call out to you as the crowd of people pulled you away.

You were knocked down to the ground and swiftly got back up. You ran around helplessly, not knowing where to go, but you kept on running. You saw Death Eaters coming in every direction and you tried to avoid them at all costs but people were rushing past you, crashing into you. From a distance, you saw Harry, shouting your name and looking around. Without a minute to waste, you ran to him and he opened his arms for you and you jumped into them.

"Come on. We need to find the others!" Harry said and he held onto your hand as you both ran off with the crowd of people. As you were running, a man crashed into you and knocked you to the ground, leaving you unconscious and Harry ran back to you, but a group of people crashed into him and he was also unconscious.


You groaned as your eyes slowly opened and you sat up. There was no one around and the area looked like a burnt wasteland. It was quiet and eerie and you saw Harry. You gently shook him and he woke up and looked around. As Harry got up, he saw a man from a distance standing there and staring at the two of you and started to walk over to you. "Come on." Harry said as he helped you up from the ground and you both ran away from the man. For some time, you lost sight of the man and stopped. You heard voices calling your names and you looked over and saw Ron and Hermione running to you. "We've been looking for you for ages." Ron snapped. "We thought we lost you."

You looked up in the sky and saw a skull and a snake and shouted, "What's that?!" and the others looked up. Harry was suddenly in pain after seeing the mark but then, a group of men appeared and attacked you and the others. You hugged each other and crouched to the ground but heard 2 voices calling out.

"Stop!" You looked over and saw Mr. Weasley and surprisingly, your father running over to you (Your father works in the Ministry of Magic). "That's my son!" Mr. Weasley shouted. "And that's my daughter!" Your father shouted and they ran over to you. "Ron, Harry, Hermione, (Y/n)! Are you alright?!" Mr. Weasley exclaimed. Your father ran to you and placed his hands on your cheeks and he asked, "Sweetheart! Are you alright?! Are you hurt anywhere?!" You reassured him, "Dad. I'm alright." He hugged you and said, "Thank Merlin you're safe."

A man stood before you and said, "You four have been discovered in the scene of a crime." You stuttered, "Wha- what?! A crime?!" Mr. Weasley hissed, "Barty! They're just kids!" You protested, "Sir! There were those men with skull masks! Death Eaters!" the man looked at you and said, "Are you absolutely sure?" You nodded in response and they all looked at each other.


You were all back at the Weasley house and you were lying on the couch, since your head hurt from getting knocked to the ground. Your mother held an ice pack on your head where it hurt the most. Your father, Mr. Diggory, and Mr. Weasley were discussing about the incident. (All three of them are friends). "Is she alright, dear?" Mrs. Weasley asked your mother. She nodded in response and held your hand tightly. Your friends all sat in chairs near you with worry on their faces, especially Cedric.

The twins walked over to you and handed you some chocolate and said, "This should help a little." and you gave them a weak smile. Your father walked over and sat down on the couch, next to your mother and asked her, "Is she alright, honey?" Your mother nodded in response.

Cedric Diggory x Reader (Re-Written)Where stories live. Discover now