Ch. 14: Out of Reach

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You were at the Train station, ready to leave for your 6th year.

"You'll be fine, princess. I'll write to you and all." Cedric smiled at you as he hugged you tightly.

You buried your face in his chest and grumbled, "I'll miss you, Ced."

(Cedric was not going to Hogwarts, considering that he completed his last year)

"I know, baby. But you'll still have your friends." he replied.

He kissed you passionately and he said, "See you later." and you walked off to the train.

You decided to sit with Draco, since you were both prefects now.

You followed after Draco and he sat down across from Pansy and Blaise, having you sitting next to him.

"Hogwarts. What a pathetic, useless school. I might as well pitch myself off of the astronomy tower." He scoffed.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Pansy asked.

He didn't say anything and just looked out the window. It looked like something was bothering him, but you didn't want to ask and make him uncomfortable or something.


The train pulled in and you walked off, looking for the golden trio.

"Where's Harry?" You asked Hermione. She shrugged her shoulders and replied, "I'm not sure, but he'll catch up with us." You nodded and followed after her and Ron to the carriages.


You were laying in bed when you heard screeching at the window. You walked up to it and saw Cedric's owl Percy, with a letter in his mouth. You carefully took it and read it:

Dear (y/n),

I'll make sure to write to you regularly to at least try and make you feel better without me there.

You'll do great in your classes! You're a very smart girl and that's what I love most about you.

I know that you have your friends there who have your back and will protect you from any danger and that makes me relieved.

P.S I Miss You

Love, Cedric

You smiled after reading the letter and mumbled, "I love that guy so much." and placed the letter on your desk. 


You were eating breakfast with your friends and heard that Professor Snape is now the DADA teacher and Professor Slughorn is the new potions teacher. 

*Potions class*

Harry and Ron were late and went to the bookshelf to get a textbook. You tried so hard not to crack a smile when Ron and Harry were fighting over the last textbook but ended up bursting out laughing.

You had to make a potion called Draught of Living Dead for today's assignment. You got to your table, got the equipment you needed, and started. 

You needed to cut a Sopophorus bean, but it was too difficult. You tried and tried but the blade kept slipping and the bean kept bouncing off. Harry looked at you and saw you struggling, "Psst! (Y/n)!" Harry said to you, you immediately looked at him and he mouthed, "Crush it with your knife." You looked at him and mouthed,"are you sure it'll work?" Harry nodded and mouthed,"trust me." 

You then did what he suggested and crushed the bean with your knife. You poured the contents that came from the bean into the cauldron, "How did you do that?" Hermione asked. You responded, "You crush it." Hermione looked at you confused and said, "No. You cut it." 

You continued making the potions. You looked over and some girl's potion turned into a blob, Seamus' exploded in his face,"poor Seamus." You thought. 

Someone else's potion melted their mixing spoon, you saw Draco trying to cut his, Hermione was having a hard time and you felt bad for her. You where almost done with your potion, until minutes later you were done.

Harry finished before you did and Prof. Slughorn tested his potion by dropping a leaf in it and the leaf slowly shriveled up. Harry was the one to win a potion that when he drinks it, he'll get good luck. "Congratulations, Harry." Slughorn said. You and the Gryffindors clapped for him.


You were laying in your bed and Percy (Cedric's Owl) was back at your window, with another letter in his mouth.

You read it:

Dear (y/n),

How was your first day so far? Also want to give you a heads up, but there will most likely days where I won't be able to send a letter, so please do not think that I forgot about you or something. 

You sat at your desk to write a letter back to him. You wrote about the new potions teacher and that Snape was now the DADA teacher. You also mentioned about being a little worried about Draco because 1. he was acting different and 2. he's your childhood friend.

After writing the letter you rolled it up, tied it with a string, and gave it to Percy and he flew away.


*Sorry for the short chapter. Also, check out my Lewis Dawkins x reader story if you haven't already*

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