Ch. 13: Mine

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You were sleeping in your bed, but woke up when you heard a commotion in the common room. You sat up in your bed and saw that Hermione and Ginny weren't in their beds.

You walked out to the common room and saw your friends comforting Harry. "Hey, what happened?" You asked as you walked over to them.

"It's Sirius! Voldemort is torturing him!" Harry panicked. You and your friends decided to take him to Professor McGonagall to talk to her about it.

"I believe that Sirius is in danger. We are going to save him." Harry said.

You nodded, "Ok. I have my wand ready."

Harry shook his head no. "No, you need to stay here. With Dumbledore gone and the school unprotected, You and the twins need to protect the school alongside my students while we're gone. Any sign of trouble, you all need to stick together and fight. Do you understand?"

You nodded and Hermione, Luna, Ron, Neville, and Ginny pulled you in for a group hug. Harry hugged you after they let go of you.

"Be careful, ok?" You told him.

Harry smiled, "Always am."

They climbed onto thestrals and all looked back at you. "Don't worry. The twins and I will keep this place safe." You smiled and reassured them. They all smiled and flew away. You watched them go until they were no longer in sight.

You were able to see thestrals because you had witnessed your cousin's death when he jumped in front of a train and you tried to save him, but you were too late. It still pained you to this day and you missed him a lot.


You were walking and saw Cedric sitting in the courtyard, reading a book. "Whatchu up to?" You asked, leaned up against the tree that he was sitting beside. He smiled at you, "(y/n). I didn't notice you." and he stood up from the ground. 

"Are you still mad at me about what happened with Cho and Umbridge?" he asked as you walked over to him and placed your hand on his chest and the other hand on his shouler. You blushed and replied, "Well... I understand that you were forced to tell Umbridge about Dumbledore's Army. So why would I be mad?" You kissed him but then pulled away.

 You made a pouty face and grumbled, "But don't Ever scare me like that again." He looked at you and said, "I won't." and he kissed you again.


Dumbledore had finally returned and Hogwarts was back to normal. You and Cedric reported to him that there was no trouble and your friends returned. Harry looked like he had seen a ghost and Hermione, Ron, Neville, and Luna looked sad. You dared not to ask, not wanting to make them feel worse and hugged them. You found out later on the Daily Prophet that Sirius had died.

It was a peaceful morning and you sat with your friends with some pancakes with fruit on the side and some orange juice on your plate. It was peaceful until someone came behind you and placed the Daily Prophet beside you on the table and it stated that the Dark Lord is back.

You looked behind you to see who presented the Daily Prophet to you and it was Cedric. He sat down next to you and said, "People now know that Harry and I weren't lying when we said that the Dark Lord is back." You rested your head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around your shoulder.


Everyone was boarding the train and you sat with Cedric, alone in a compartment.

"Can't believe that this is my last year at Hogwarts." Cedric smiled. You frowned and mumbled, "But I'll be lonely without you at Hogwarts...." he hugged you and said, "Aww baby. You'll still have your friends." You replied, "I know. But I'll still miss you..."

He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you closer to him, "You'll be fine." he chuckled. You snuggled your face in his chest and he ran his fingers through your hair. "You're mine. You know that?" Cedric asked. You replied, "Mhmm."

I'll continue writing this story since a lot of you guys like it.

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