Ch. 31: Miracle

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It has been eight months now since you were pregnant.

"Oh this one looks nice!" Hermione pointed at a dark brown crib. 

Hermione and Ginny accompanied you on picking out a crib for the baby. You found out months ago that it was going to be a boy, so the crib had to be suitable.

"I like that too." you smiled. Ginny told an employee and he smiled as he helped with lifting it and taking it to Hermione's car.

Just as you were about to take your wallet out, Hermione stepped in, "I got this."

"Oh no. You don't have to do that." you tried to protest but she insisted, "As this child's godmother, I'll pay for it." handing the cashier the money.


"Honey, I'm home!" Cedric called out from downstairs. "We're up here!" you shouted back.

As he walked in, he smiled, "What's going on?" looking at Ron and Harry struggling to set the crib up.

"Do you mind helping them?" Hermione giggled, as the boys were grunting in frustration.

"What did you do with the instructions? Did you throw them away?" Ginny was scolding Harry. "I have them." he pointed at his head, "In here." She rolled her eyes.

"It's alright, guys. I got it." Cedric rolled his sleeves up and found the instructions... in the trash bin.

A couple minutes later, Cedric had finished setting it up. "You're amazing." you wrapped your arms around his waist, earning a kiss on the forehead, "You're the one who's carrying our child. So if anyone, you're the one who's really amazing."


(A month later)

You were sitting back on the couch, waiting for Cedric to come in from the kitchen until you felt something warm. Looking down, you realized that your water broke.

"CEDRIC!" you screamed as you started to feel sharp pain in your stomach. He rushed in and immediately called Hermione as soon as he saw what happened.

10 minutes later, Hermione and Ron burst through the front door, only to see you gripping onto Cedric's hand super tightly.

"We need to get her to the hospital! She's in so much pain!" Cedric panicked as he helped you up from the couch. Ron rushed over to help him as Hermione went out and started their car.


The doctor and some nurses had rushed you into a room. Only Cedric was allowed to go in the room while Hermione and Ron had to wait outside, sitting on a bench.

They waited.....

And waited....

They heard your screams....

"Come on, Honey! You can do this!" Cedric's voice was heard...

They then heard the doctor telling you to push and you screamed again....

A couple minutes later, they heard a baby crying.

The door opened and a smiling nurse said, "You can come in now." 

Hermione and Ron slowly walked in, seeing you holding a bundled baby.

Cedric was smiling and silently crying, "He's so.... beautiful..."

Hermione looked at the baby and smiled, "What are you going to name him?"

You looked up at her and said, "Fred.... Fred Gideon Diggory..." (Yes, I googled Fred's middle name)

Ron's eyes widen and tears started to stream down his face, "It's.... perfect..." Hermione rubbed his back and hugged him.

Cedric Diggory x Reader (Re-Written)Where stories live. Discover now