Ch. 17: It Can't be Real

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You were woken up by the sound of Draco getting out of his bed and looked up. He was wearing a black suit and he was walking out of the Hospital Wing.

"Draco. Where are you going? You still need some time to heal from your wounds." you said as you ran up to him. He looked at you and said, "I'll be alright. You should head to your dorm room." and he continued walking.

"O-Okay..." you said and started walking to your room.

"Well. If it isn't the pwetty little girl I saw at the Weasley's house." you heard Bellatrix cackle.

"Oh no..." you mumbled and looked over. Before you could reach for your wand, she charged at you and grabbed onto your hair, pushing you to the ground.

You tried to squirm out of her grip and desperately tried to fight back. "Awwww. Is the pwetty girl trying to escape. I might as well finish you off like I did to your cousin and best friend." she cackled again.

"Wait!" a voice called out and you both looked over and saw Draco standing there, with his hands in his pockets.

"Draco dear!" Bellatrix exclaimed. "There you are!" she pushed you to the ground and walked over to him.

"Aunt Bella. Go ahead. I'll catch up." he said. She looked at you and then nodded. "Alright." and she walked off.

You sat on the ground, shocked when hearing Draco call her his Aunt.

He walked over to you and pulled you up from the ground. "D-Draco..." you said, fearing that he would hurt you but instead, he pulled you in for a hug.

"I'm sorry, (y/n).... I should've told you about this sooner, but I didn't want you to get hurt." he said.

"Tell me what....?" you asked, placing your hands on his back. He pulled away, his hands were still around your waist.

"The dark lord ordered me to kill Professor Dumbledore... I have no choice and if I don't, he'll kill me." he replied.

Your eyes widen, "No.....No.... This can't be happening...." you pulled away from him. "This can't be real..." tears were welling up in your eyes.

"It is real." he said. 

"What will happen to you? Will I ever get to see you again?" tears were streaming down your face. "There has to be another way..."

"There isn't, (y/n)." he replied. "I'm not sure what will happen to me afterwards, but I'm sure that I'll be okay."

You held his hands, "You're my best friend, Draco. I don't want you to get hurt."

He hugged you again and said, "And you're my best friend, (y/n)."

"Draco!!" you heard Bellatrix's voice call for him. "I'm coming!!" he shouted back.

"I have to go now, (y/n)..." he looked at you. You looked up at him as more tears streamed down your face.

He wiped your tears away and said, "But before I go... There's something I want to tell you."

You sniffled and said, "What?"

"I love you." he said. Your eyes widen, "......What?"

"I've loved you for some time, (y/n). And I respect that you're with Diggory and I want you to be happy, even if it isn't with me." he said. He kissed your forehead and said, "Goodbye, (y/n)...." and he left.

After he left, you fell onto your knees. All of this was so sudden and a shock. Your best friend has to kill Dumbledore and now he professed his love to you, but he's gone now. You were worried about what could happen to him. He was like a brother to you and you genuinely cared for him. 

"(y/n)!!" you heard some voices calling for you. Looking over, you saw Hermione and Luna rush over to you. They pulled you up from the ground and you rushed over to the courtyard after hearing screams.

There... you saw Dumbledore... dead.

Everyone crowded around and you looked up, seeing the dark mark in the sky. Everyone raised their wands and the mark slowly disappeared. 

You slowly let your arm drop to your side as tears streamed down your face.


(You were in your second year) You hugged your knees and cried, sitting under your usual spot, which was under the tree in the courtyard.

Pansy and her friends had tormented you earlier and you couldn't take it anymore. 

"This pain is part of being human . . . the fact that you can feel pain like this is your greatest strength." you heard a voice.

You slowly lift your head up and see the headmaster standing before you. 

You quickly stood up, brushing dirt off of your skirt, and wiped your tears away.

"He-Hello, Professor Dumbledore." you said and sniffled. 

"I understand that you're upset about Pansy and her friends, but do not feel ashamed for crying. It is normal for people to feel these emotions, so do not let others tell you otherwise. You're not crying because you're weak, you're crying because you have been strong for far too long." he said and walked over to you, patting you on the back.

"Just remember (y/n), happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light." he added. You sniffled and nodded. 

"It's almost time for dinner and we should head to the Great Hall." he said and you both walked off.

*Flashback ends*

You couldn't hold your cries and hugged Hermione as your let your sobs out into her shoulder. She rubbed your back and you could hear her crying as well.

Harry rushed over and hugged you both, crying as well.


*(a/n): Sorry for the short chapter. I'll try to update more as soon as possible*

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