Waiting in the Wings

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The serpent level had Izuku in disbelief. The entire arena was one, big humongous pool filled to the brim with water that was as dark as the night sky.  The arena was deeper than before- at least fifty feet deep now, if Izuku were to guess,

How were these stages set up so fast?

He and Tomura were raised far above the water, hunched up and anxiety-ridden. The signal was announced and both were harshly pushed off of the platform by Keres. They twisted and spun until they collided with the cold water, both bodies stinging from the harsh impact the water had brought them. Right as they entered the gigantic pool, a tiny air bubble formed around both of their heads.

Even so, Izuku struggled to will himself to breath as the ice cold water tickled at his skin. Hato swung his arms around and lightly kicked his legs so he wouldn't sink even further down this black hole that lead to who-knows-where.

"My quirk won't work where we are now, not unless we get to a wall."


An idea -or half of one- slams into Izuku like a train. "We should wait for you to use your quirk until the next time we do this."

The young teen dramatically sighs and rubs his temples with one hand, "You have another one of your crazy plans?"

In the distance, but quickly approaching, Izuku hears large ripples getting louder and louder. Izuku squints his eyes to see a women with pearly scales and fins on the sides of her legs and arms. Hato could barely see her legs at the speed they were kicking at. In a surge of panic, Hato feels for the imaginary string and raises his right hand once he finds it. With a small whoosh of the water, he slams his hand down as fast as he could with the water resisting. After the action, Tomura gets forced a few meters below him.

Hato doesn't even get a chance to send him a pitying glance as the women rams her body into him. The air is knocked out of his lungs at the impact and he struggles greatly to get out of the women's hold. They are going so fast that the force of the water isn't letting him move his arms. He's flopping around like a rag doll waiting for whatever this will bring him to.

The women all but throws him into the cement wall (How far had they traveled?). Hato's back meets the brute of the force, cracking the cement behind him. If he hadn't completely lost his breath before, he had now. Izuku was in too much of shock to move, and even if he did, it would've been fruitless with how painful it would be. He let himself sink further and further, the only focus was trying to get air back into his starving lungs.

Breathing hurt. It burned and was almost no better than having no air at all. Izuku let out a silent scream as his back landed on the ground, the little contact sending another shock of pain run up and down his spine. Everything began to get dizzy and light as the pain became secondary.

I really have to stop passing out like this.


    "Remember all of the things you've questioned."

    When Izuku wakes up he is cold and in pain. He can't move without his back sending a jolt of agony throughout his body, so he stays still and breathes. It's the very early hours of morning, and Izuku thinks he might hear the melody of birds outside.

    He knows his ears are only playing games with him; he hasn't heard the sound of morning birds in what seems to be an eternity. Instead of dwelling on the silence, Hato starts pondering what the first user told him.

    The things he's questioned? About what? The arena? Izuku contemplates All For One's brother's message until his brain starts to pound against his skull.

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