Hell's Comin' With Me

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They're at Aizawa's house. Izuku is currently covered with the underground hero's three cats. A Tabby,  British Shorthair, and a Bombay. All fighting for attention. He and Aizawa were sitting on two separate couches. Hato on a feathery soft fuchsia loveseat and Aizawa on a plush-looking black armchair (Shota said that Hizashi, who's out doing his radio show,  picked out the pink chair, but Izuku knew that Aizawa held a soft spot for that bright color as well).

When Hato had suggested to go to his house to look over the file, Aizawa wasn't willing. The vigilante thought that if he mentioned he already knew where the pro lived, he would be more reluctant. Hato was wrong, it didn't help, but here they are! So Aizawa couldn't be too annoyed. Hato will just hold back the information that he broke into the apartment every once in a while to feed some of the leftover sardines that were at the cafe for customers to feed the cats.

Hato doesn't have the energy to fight Eraserhead at the moment. He's devoting all of his vigor towards finding Chinen Yaku.

Aizawa sighs, "Everything is pretty vague, but at least it's something."

Hato nods. It's not a lot, but he's survived this long by finding the secrets of the cracks in the walls. He gazes down at the photo. Chinen has brown eyes that are almost black, swarthy skin with barely faint red lines climbing across his entire body like veins, and he's completely bold. The one thing that catches Hato's eye is the scars covering his arms and neck, no doubt having some on his chest as well. Izuku knows without a doubt that these are burn scars. Yaku's skin where the scars are is paler and shriveled. Parts of his neck were very obviously treated with skin grafts, the patches of skin not looking like his own.

"It must be an effect of his quirk," Hato points out.  The file doesn't offer a lot of information on the kidnapper's quirk, but it's plenty for him. Chinen's quirk is called Melting Point. The quirk is exactly what the name suggests. He can increase anything's temperature to the point of melting, boiling, and evaporating. There's no analysis of any potential side effect, but Hato bets the man's scars had to be some connection to his quirk. He guesses it also could've been an accident from when he first developed his quirk or something else entirely.

"That could definitely be the case," Aizawa agrees. He then points out to Chinen's last known address, "Do you think he would be stupid enough to bring the hostage to his house? There's no way it's going to be that easy."

Aizawa's right. Even though Hato's first impression of Yaku is that he's not the brightest, that doesn't mean he lacks common sense. "Maybe, but there might be some clues we can find there that will lead us to Ru. I can sneak in and see if there's anything of use. It would take me less than ten minutes." The night was still young. He hopes that they can save Hotaru in the next couple of hours. The less time Ru's in Yaku's grip, the better.

Hato stands up, already preparing to leave, and attempts to not feel guilty at moving the cats off of him (he knows it's against the law of the universe, but he has to get moving). They have all the information that the criminal record layed out for them. Yaku lives in an apartment complex a few blocks south of their current location, so it won't take up too much time to run over there.

"Kid," Hato sighs at the nickname resurfacing once again, "you don't have to do this. This is bigger than stopping a burglary or attempted rape. There's a lot of unknown factors. I can do it and call in for backup," Aizawa argues, standing up as well and putting his yellow goggles back on.

Hato swelled with ire, Shota should've known better, "Yes, I do. Chinen made a great mistake taking someone precious from me," he knows that's information that Aizawa can use to find out his identity, but can't bring himself to worry about that at the moment, "I'm going to save Ru, and I'm bringing hell with me. Chinen Yaku is going to regret ever thinking he could get away from this," he seethes out. His face is unbearably warm underneath the mask. His chest heaving from all of the stress, worry, and anger.

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