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   Hato was just about to jump out of his window when his cell phone rang. No one ever calls him, so he immediately assumed it was an emergency. He got off of the window sill and took off his mask. He checked his phone to see it was Yagi who was calling him. He frowns, trying to ignore the anxiety swirling in his stomach.

   "Hello? All Might?" He says, careful to keep his voice quiet and even.

   "Ah, Young Midoriya," Yagi says. Izuku immediately heard the nervousness intertwined in his voice. It only made him more nervous. It was a little past eleven at night, way too late for this call to be just a casual one.

   "Is everything alright? Do you need me? What's wrong?" Izuku stammers, unable to control his worries.

   Yagi ignores his questioning, or perhaps doesn't hear it at all, "I know it's late. I was actually going to tell you this tomorrow, but I couldn't sleep and all I could think about was telling you-"

  Izuku looses control of his patience and interrupts him, "All Might!" He instantly feels guilty about shouting, "Sorry. Just- can you tell me what's wrong?"

   "I remember," Toshinori forces out, like it had been glued to the back of his throat for a long time.

   A pit drops to the bottom of Izuku's stomach. It grows into a series of frantic thoughts.

   "I-" he says, but can't get anything else out. He's stuck in place, and he has to constantly remind himself to breathe.

   All Might remembers.

   He remembers.

   He knows that Izuku has been lying to him all this time. That he was the cause of so many people dying, that he had the capability to be a monster. Sure, Kacchan and Aizawa didn't think of him that way, but who's to say that All Might wouldn't? He'd probably had the most potential of hating him out of everyone else. Afterall, he was All Might's successor. Or, was supposed to be. But now Yagi knows that Izuku fought a war on the wrong side, aiding in so many people's deaths. His death.

Izuku didn't snap out of it until it was too late. AFO's mind control had done its job, and was now leaving Izuku to deal with the consequences.

He may have not been able to control his actions, but he had been able to see and feel everything. It was the sensation of being trapped in a prison. Except the prison was his own damn mind and there had been no way out.

He saw the way his classmate's faces crumbled once they saw him with the league. For a while they refused to attack them, but Izuku didn't give them any mercy. He witnessed as he attacked them, using all of their weaknesses. Izuku knew them all- had written them down to help them get stronger.

He felt their blood spill onto his skin. Heard their screams of pain and anguish. Izuku yelled and yelled with no sound coming from his mouth, begging them to attack him to kill him.

Izuku stood by as his mentor was killed by AFO. Watched as Todoroki burned and burned. Stole Uraraka's last breath, and Iida's, and Kaminari's.

   "Young Midoriya?" Yagi whispered. His voice was gentle. Why was it so gentle?

   "All Might?" He barely choked out. His name was a list of questions. What was All Might going to do now? Did he despise Izuku as much as he did?

   "It's okay. We're going to be okay," Yagi stated. He was always so kind. Izuku's heart squeezed. He didn't understand this kindness. He didn't know why it was being given to him.

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