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   Katsuki is holding something. At first he thinks it's his pillow, although he doesn't remember crawling into his bed last night. He gives his pillow a soft squeeze before decidedly confirming that, no, this is not his pillow. It's then that he realizes that the reason he doesn't remember going to bed last night was because he didn't. At least not his.

   He opens his eyes slowly and stiffens when he sees what- who he's holding. Izuku is curled up beside him, his head tucked slightly below Katsuki's. His face is relaxed. Perhaps the most relaxed Katsuki has seen in forever. His arm is slung over Izuku's torso and their legs are tangled up in one another's. He feels Izuku's chest expand with each intake of breath and is so comforted by that small movement that he almost allows himself to close his eyes once again. He never wants this moment to end. He doesn't want things to resume again.

   He needs to tell Arai. They need to know because as much as he hates to admit it, Izuku needs more than Katsuki to help him. He also needs to find his blades and make sure Izu never finds them ever again. He'll do anything to keep him safe, and if that means Izuku will be mad at him? So be it. He'd rather be with an angry Izuku for the rest of his life than one who resorts to hurting himself.

   Katsuki slowly tears himself away from Izuku even though that's the last thing he wants to do. He quietly jumps out of the bed and takes a deep breath. He brings a hand to his lips and swears that he can still feel the warmth of Izuku's lips on his. He wants that again. He wants more of Izuku in every way possible. He wants to start off from where they were cut off and begin anew all at once. But none of that can happen until he helps Izuku.

   He opens Izuku's bedroom door and gently closes it behind him. He hears Ru in the kitchen- most likely getting ready to open the cafe. He starts walking down the spiral staircase and tries to think of ways to start the conversation. His mind comes up blank.

   Without turning around Ru says, "Good morning Izuku! I may be drunk on coffee, so apologies in advance if I start bouncing off of the walls."

   Katsuki clears his throat, causing Hotaru to turn around. She frowns in confusion before smiling, "Bakugou. I didn't know you were here. Where's Zu Zu?"

   Katsuki starts walking towards the kitchen and sits down on a chair next to the dining table. "I came by last night, sorry for not telling you. Izu's asleep."

   Ru waves a hand and makes a psh sound, "Don't worry about it. You're welcome here any time. And good, that boy needs as much sleep as he can get. Do you mind helping me with the displays before I open up?"

   Katsuki almost says yes, just to avoid this conversation a bit longer. He looks down at his hands, and thinks of Izuku's. Izuku's hands that are already scarred from so many battles. He wonders how much more his body can handle.

   "Actually... Arai, I need to talk to you. It's about Deku." Ru's frown returns deeper this time. Their forehead creased. They move and sit down next to Katsuki.

   "What is it? I swear if you did anything I'll personally make your living life make hell seem like an amusement park. I'll find out where you live and talk to your parents about how you deserve to be grounded for the rest of your life as well."

   Katsuki shakes his head, a part of him relieved that Deku has someone like Arai in his life, and another part scared shitless of them.

   "No. I promised I wouldn't hurt him. And I intend to keep that promise." Noting the seriousness of Katsuki's voice, Ru nods. He's thankful for their silence because it gives him time to gather words that might make sense. "I'm telling you this because Izuku is a shitty nerd who doesn't care what happens to him. And when you're carrying as much weight as he is... it's easy to feel suffocated." He closes his eyes and sees his bandaged arms. Red faintly seeping through the white. Izuku had fallen asleep before Katsuki could demand to see the extent of his cuts, but he knew that they wouldn't be thin marks like he so separately wanted them to be (he didn't want anything there, but he knew that was impossible, so his stupid brain went with the next best thing).

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