The Suffocation of Loneliness

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Hato is sitting on the edge of a roof with Stain. It's been over two years since they joined forces and became something akin to partners. They have formed a friendship that only they can form. Built upon similar interests and fondness over each other.

Today, however, is different. Today is the day that they will go their separate ways.

     "It's been tolerable working with you, Little Shit." Stain says. Still using those dumb nicknames all these years later. Hato doesn't think he's ever used his actual vigilante name before. Always "Brat" or "Kid" or Hato's personal favorite,  "Klutzy Fucker".

    "Tolerable?" Hato replies, "You think over two years of working together would wager something more than 'tolerable'. Even 'nice' would be good."

    "That's the best you're going to get, Brat. I need to go to Hosu city. The heroes there are fucked up. I have to be there to teach them what a true hero is like. To punish them."

    Hato scrunches his eyebrows together, "You're not going to kill anyone, are you? Heroes need to learn and grow from their mistakes, not have that chance ripped away by you killing them."

    "You know that's not how I work, Kid. Life isn't fair. You can be the savior, but the only way that I can fix my problem with heroes of today is by killing them."

    Hato sighs, "I might have to fight you in the future. I won't hold back."
    Stain gives off his sadistic grin and barks out a laugh, "I wouldn't have it any other way." Then he jumps off the roof, and that's it. No goodbyes were given, and Hato is okay with that. Besides, goodbyes were for forever, and this definitely won't be the last time he saw him.

    They've been through a whole lot these past couple of years. They gained up against sex trafficers, kidnappers, rapists, and even quirk trafficers. They never ran into a Purple Cheetah after that one attack a few years ago. Maybe they've all turned into experiments for punishment of being found out. Hato didn't doubt that AFO would do that.

It was so frustrating. He had no idea where Tomura and his father were. He was terrified that All For One was watching him with his all-knowing eyes. A fear that has seeped its way into Hato's bones. What if his blasted father knew about all of this time-travel business? What if his plan was already ruined before it started?

Hato sighed. Tomorrow will be a good day. Filled with worry-free thoughts. After all, tomorrow is his birthday.


    Today is Deku's birthday, Katsuki thinks as he stares up at his ceiling. He has a present for him. Just like he has a present for his ninth and tenth birthday as well. Someday he will give them to him. If the idiot ever comes back.

    NO. Don't be stupid. Deku will come back.

    The last two presents were both the newest All Might figures of the year. This time, however, he decided to take it up a notch. Bakugou bought him a notebook. He remembered back to a time before everything turned sideways and how Izuku was always writing. And when he wasn't, his hands were moving as if they were.  Katsuki's cheeks lift up an inch, but he quickly smothers it. He should be angry. Not buying the Stupid Damn Nerd birthday presents.

    He should be angry at Izu, but he can't. Instead, he's angry at everybody else. Lashing out at people left and right. He can't control it. Not without his best friend by his side. He yells and yells. His voice is always rough and scratchy, yet he still yells.

    But he's still praised. As he grows, his quirk grows as well. And it will continue to grow. It will become greater than anyone, even he, will imagine.

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