The Weight Of A Promise

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    Izuku was walking by himself to the park to meet Kacchan. His mother let him go by himself since the park was only two blocks away and knew he was going to be safe.

    Step by step. Breath by breath. Each blink Izuku took his anxiety only seemed to climb higher and higher. Yet he knew that it wasn't from meeting up with his friend; no... it felt a lot more sinister. Izuku urged his tiny legs to walk faster because the sooner he was with Katsuki, the sooner he would be safe from this lurking dread.

    And he was so, so close. He could even see Bakugou's bushy ash blond hair (and even though he was still half a block away he could still see it with such detail) not to far away.

    But then he heard a scream off in the distance. It was filled with so much agony that Izuku didn't even think about how his legs sped up, passing the park. He briefly wondered if Kacchan had seen him but brushed the thought away because it didn't matter. Someone was in pain and even though he was only four, he'd be damned if he didn't try to help. He kept running to the sound of the scream and the breathing that was ever so slowing. He ran, even though his lungs burned and his legs ached, he wouldn't stop. Couldn't stop. When he finally made it to the secluded area, he just stood there. He couldn't hear the women's breathing anymore. Why wasn't she breathing?! He hadn't made it in time, he couldn't save yet another person.

    There, slumped against a wall was a women in a business suit. She had dark purple hair up in what used to be a tight bun. It looked liked all the energy was sucked out of her. The women's skin was grey and all shriveled up like a flower sapped of it's water. Her abdomen had a hole in it and the blood was seeping through her suit. There was so much blood. How could someone bleed this much?! Why couldn't I save her?! Why why why?! Her eyes were open, staring at the wall in front of her. Her lavender eyes were dull, so dull. No trace of life inside of them. It was to late. ToLateToLateToLate-

    Izuku screamed.


    Izuku stared blankly at the ceiling. He wished his bed could swallow him and only let him out until things were okay again. Until he was okay again. He just wanted to forget, but he didn't know what he wanted to forget. His past life? How he became a monster? No, that wasn't it. He didn't want to forget the other time. He needed it, it was apart of him. Izuku wouldn't be whole without it. The women with the dead eyes? How he couldn't save her, or anyone else for that matter?

    Or was it that he just wanted to forget himself?

He couldn't help but think that that would be nice, even if it was only for a second.

    Izuku could hear his mother's concerned voice talking to Auntie Matsuki and Kacchan. He knew he could probably listen on to the conversation if he wanted too, but he didn't. When one of the police officers walked him home after the whole ordeal, his mother had been terrified. After he was in the safety of the home she hugged him while he had just stood there, unblinkingly.

    His mother wanted Mitsuki (probably for her own comfort) and Kacchan to come over. Izuku felt bad for ditching Katsuki, and wanted to make it up to him. He knew he probably shouldn't feel guilty, but he was afraid this was only going to mess up there already straining relationship.

    Izuku continued to stare at the wall when he heard a knock on the door. He knew immediately that it was Kacchan since it was like he was lightly punching the door instead of actually knocking on it.

    "Come in." His voice was only above a whisper since it hurt to talk normally due to his screaming not even two hours ago. Izuku felt the door creak open and then shut close. Izuku couldn't help but flinch when he felt the light dip in his bed, but forced himself to relax. He stiffened once again when he was forcibly rolled over to his side into a tight hug.

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