Getting to Know You

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Warning: Small mention of self-harm

Izuku Midoriya uses his invisibility quirk to sneak through Shoto's window. He wanted to get some fun out of this. So he leapt through the open window to Shoto's plain room and landed silently. While the young Todoroki was practicing his punches (he was a little sloppy, but he was only twelve. Maybe Izuku could train him? No. He gets enough of that from his dickwad of a father) Izuku snuck up behind him.

At that moment Izuku released his quirk, jumped up with hands up and yelled, "Surprise!" And instead of falling to the ground or screaming like Izuku thought he would, Shoto turned around and tried to punch Midoriya right in the stomach. In a quick second Izuku sidestepped the punch and swapped Todoroki's feet from underneath him. Izuku grinned and put his hands behind him innocently, "Relax, Sho-kun. It's me, Izuku! We met a few years back, remember?"

Recognition adorned Todoroki's face, "Iz... uku?" he said as he got up. He was looking at him as if Izuku were an alien. Knowing Shoto, it probably wasn't far from the truth.

"That's me! I just was in the area and wanted to pop in and see how you were doing. Plus I need to talk to you about something."

"Midoriya, you've been missing for over two years." Todoroki says. He couldn't believe his eyes. Why was Midoriya visiting him? He's not unhappy per say. He's glad that he gets to see the kind little boy again. Their last meeting had an impact on him. One that led to him accepting himself more.

"They're not ugly. See? I have scars too!"

"It shows how much you've survived."

"But it's your quirk, right?"

"Do you have any idea how upset Bakugou is? Even after all this time... He's still hurting."

Izuku's heart breaks. He was not expecting any mention of Kacchan. But what Shoto said made Izuku want to run and run and run until he reached his best friend. He wants to apologize and hug him until all the pain has faded away.

But he can't do that. Because then he would just have to leave again. When he sees Katsuki again it's going to be because he has no intention of leaving him ever again.

Izuku's smile drops, "You've been seeing him?" He can't help it, but he's jealous. Izuku wants to be the one seeing Kacchan, but that's just being illogical. Izuku can't see him.

Maybe if he just dropped by once-

NO! He'll never be able to leave again if he visits his best friend. Either Katsuki would lock him up in his house and never let him leave or Izuku just wouldn't mentally be able to handle the torture of leaving him again.

Todoroki sees the inner turmoil Midoriya is having, but doesn't mention it. Instead, he nods, "Every once in a while we sit on that log together. We don't usually talk, but it's nice. We keep each other company. He misses you, Midoriya. You better have one big explanation for him when comes back."

For a while they just stare at each other. An explanation? Having any of his actions makes sense would mean having to tell him that he's not even supposed to be here. He's supposed to be dead. Along with everybody else.

Izuku smirks, trying to bring out Hato's confidence. "Enough talking about me and my drama. I came here to see how you were doing."

Shouto's dull eyes become duller, but for some reason, Izuku sees trust in them. Does he really trust Izuku already? They haven't seen one another in over two years, but that look in his eyes... It reminds him too much of Todoroki from the other timeline.

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