Torn Apart

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      The sky was a piece of art. Stroked with pinks, oranges, reds and purples. The beautiful colors were caressing the faces of the two inseparable best friends. Everything that happened that day had been perfect, nothing had went wrong (Izuku ignores the feeling that it was too perfect. That someone like him should find it impossible to have such a wonderful day like this one.)

    "Happy birthday, Izu." They had spent the entire day together, that was all Izuku had wanted for his fifth birthday. The day had been full of laughter and smiles and everything had just felt so light. Izuku couldn't remember the last time he felt like this, like his old self. He had to remind himself not to get lost in it because as soon as he's alone, this feeling will be wiped away from him (but is it really that bad? To get lost in the feeling of happiness? Izuku tells himself that, yes, it is bad.)

    Katsuki couldn't believe how his friend shined. He's seen how Izuku sometimes let's out that delicate light of his, but he never knew that Izuku could put the sun to shame. Today, Deku was nothing like that anxiety-ridden boy who flinched at anything too sudden. Today, he acted like he should. A child. Izuku talked Katsuki's ear off but it was nothing like his worry-induced muttering. As much as it made him happy to see his best friend (only friend) like this, it also saddened him. He worried about when the next time he would be able to see Izuku like this, or if this might be the first and last time.

    "Thank you, Kacchan, for hanging out with me. You're the best!" They were just walking out of the park to Inko's house where they were to have yet another sleepover. They talked about staying up the whole night eating junk food and watching hero movies, but both secretly knew that they wouldn't make it pass midnight. Couldn't stop them from trying, though.

    Over the months, the two had become closer than ever. They hardly ever separated unless they absolutely had too. They always knew when the other was upset even when they tried to hide it. They were each others comfort against the unknown. They knew each other, though, and they knew that they would never leave the other behind. It was an unspoken promise between the two. Never having to be said, never having to be talked about. They were enough to each other and will always be.

    Katsuki blushed, "Yeah, whatever. It's not like I had anything else to do." Izuku laughed, but it was quickly silenced by his quirk telling him something bad was about to happen. The soft prickling up his neck the clear indicator. He quickly looks around and sets his eyes upon a tall man. He had black hair that just passed his shoulders and ice cold blue eyes. This man immediately sent off alarms inside Izuku's head. He needed to get out. Grab Kacchan and run. Run far, far away from the man. He just had to move and go somewhere safe. Somewhere with people. They had to leave!

    "Kacchan." The explosion user glances at Izuku and tenses. Midoryia's face is calm and relaxed, but his eyes scream panic. "Let's go somewhere else, okay? My marital arts dojo is close and I've been meaning to take you there."

    His voice left no room for argument, "Yeah... Seem's like fun."

    And Just like that, Izuku grabbed his arm in a death grip and told him to run. The man was slowly walking towards them, with his aura darkening into something dark and malicious. As they were running, Izuku suddenly loses feelings in his body and falls to the ground dragging Katsuki with him.

    It was the man's quirk, Izuku soon realizes. His mouth was full of grass and he's pretty sure he twisted an ankle, but Katsuki was unaffected. His quirk must only be allowed to effect one person at a time.

    The man sent him a bone chilling smirk and Katsuki was frozen in place as fear slowly took over him. "Kacchan, run!" When Katsuki didn't listen to him, Izuku only screamed louder. The man was so close. "Are you deaf?! Run! I'll be okay, I promise. I'll find you again."

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