Birthday Wishes

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    Izuku woke up and groaned. He hated this day for so many reasons that some have gotten lost to him. He wanted to sleep the day away, where he wouldn't have to think about everything he had to do. All the pressure that he put on himself. So much that it felt like the world was the one reminding him of all his responsibilities and stress. Today only made it worse. A reminder of the ticking time bomb. Getting closer and closer to going off.

His birthday.

He despised this day. Sure, the few birthdays he had when his mother was still alive before he got kidnapped were lovely. Yes, he was still new to the whole "going back in time" thing so he was really overwhelmed, but at least he had his family. The birthdays after he escaped from the Arena were just sad, but he had tried to put a happy face on for the Bakugou's.

Izuku could hardly remember his birthdays from the last timeline. He knows for a fact that he stopped celebrating them after his six birthday (although his mother would still sneak in some new merch into his room). And the first and only birthday he had during his time at U.A. was not a good one.

"How did you know it was my birthday?"

"That's a secret!" Said Ochako. So bubbly and happy. So very strong.

He had suspected that it was Kacchan who told everybody about his birthday. He remembered being angry- he didn't want to celebrate his birthday. It held nothing but bad memories. But everyone was so determined to change that. To make at least a few pleasant memories from his birthday.

"You're the traitor?!"

"I'm sorry, Midoriya. You have to come with me or we will make you regret it."

He didn't doubt that. People were already severely injured. Those who could move were helping those who couldn't.

"I trusted you. You're one of my best friends."

"You shouldn't have trusted me then."

    Not wanting to think of those tragic memories anymore, Izuku jumps from his bunk bed and goes to the bathroom. He washes his face and brushes his teeth so hard his gums begin to bleed.

Izuku has been at Kaiteki Cafe for a week now and he couldn't be more grateful. Hotaru was Satan in disguise, but also a sweetheart. They helped teach him how to make all sorts of drinks ranging from cappuccinos to Italian sodas. They served just about everything in between as well. Milkshakes (Izuku would make some for himself on occasion), lattes, coffees, americanos, teas, you name it. Izuku thoroughly enjoyed working behind the scenes. It gave him something to learn and it was a fun hobby that kept his mind off of things. He got to live here and he got to do something that he really liked! It was a win-win. Not to mention the cats. He loved snuggling with the cats, and they seemed to bring in a lot of business as well.

Izuku slid down the railing of the stairs expecting to see Arai just beginning to open up, but what he saw instead were colorful streamers hanging from the ceiling and a big "Happy Birthday!" Banner hung right above the glass door. For a second, Izuku's feet stayed glued to the floor. It took him a while to process that this was for him. He remembered Ru mentioning how they were going to celebrate, but he didn't really think she meant it.

But Ru did mean it. Obviously.

He walked towards the back where the kitchen and dining room were and noticed a large bag that was decorated with heroes. A card was lying next to the bag with his name addressed to it.

"Surprise!" Ru shouted, startling Izuku. She came out of the pantry holding an assortment of ingredients. Flour, baking soda, vanilla extract, etc. "Happy Birthday Zu Zu! Now I can make pancakes or waffles for breakfast. Or both! Obviously I'll be making eggs and bacon as well. You're a growing boy so that means you need lots of protein and other nutrients!"

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