What They Would Do

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    Katsuki's world was a blur. Nothing seemed to be right anymore. Everything was chaos. He was chaos. He wished there was an on and off switch in life because right now, everything was just too much. He wondered if he could just disappear until everything was okay again, until he could finally see his Izu again.

    He opted to just stay in his head as much as he could. Reliving all the memories he had with Deku. He would make anything count, even the not-so-good memories.

    But sometimes his mind would ignore his pleas to just drown in his memories and would spiral down thoughts that he didn't want to have. What was that scary man doing to Izuku? Was Izu safe (of course he wasn't)? Did they kill him? He always wanted cried when he thought about that. The thought- the possibility that Deku could be dead, it seemed preposterous. Deku was too stubborn to die, but that doesn't mean he could beat it.

    They're only five years old. They're not supposed to be dealing with this shit. They are supposed to be playing heroes and adventuring out into the woods to catch bugs. Katsuki isn't supposed be wondering if his friend is dead or alive. They should be playing out in the playground and trying to see who swings the highest. Deku shouldn't have been kidnapped by that-that monster. Katsuki was supposed to protect him. But he shouldn't have had to protect him from being kidnapped, but maybe the bullies instead.

    Oh the things Katsuki would do to have things back to normal.


    Mitsuki and Masaru Bakuguo were at a lost. It seemed like it was going to be like that for a while now. They knew that if Izuku never came back, their son wouldn't either. Not really, not fully. He may learn to accept it, if it may turn out to be that way (they sure hoped not). He might even learn to move on. But they knew for a fact that their son will never be the same unless he sees his best friend again. The Bakuguo's knew right when the two kids met each other that they were two sides of the same coin. Yin and Yang.

    Izuku was a part of Katsuki just as Katsuki was a part Izuku. One couldn't be themselves without the other; it just wasn't possible.

    And its only been three weeks and they know they should be patient but they're parents and its their job to be worried. They can't bare to see their son like this. They couldn't bare to see how he would ask to go to see Izuku and then see the excitement leave his eyes as he remembers. They couldn't stand to hear his shouts from a nightmare that is certainly about that day. They hated to see Katsuki, someone who rarely ever cried, burst into sobs every night because every night he relived the worst day of his life over and over.

    They were his parents, and they were worried.


    Inko Midoryia never thought that she would have to deal with this. She thought -hoped- that she would be one of the lucky ones. But she was wrong and as much as she tried to be positive and think -know- that she would see her son again, it was impossible. Because he could be hurt, bleeding, crying, dead and she wouldn't be able to do anything about it. All she could do was talk to the police, but it was so hard to find one that would willingly do a good job to find a quirkless child. And then she did, but then the food in her fridge got smaller.

    She told herself that that was okay. Izuku was more important. Even though a part of her brain whispered to her that her son would be mad that she wasn't taking care of herself. But what else was she supposed to do? It was her job to protect him, and she had failed. So screw her health, she needed her baby back. Even if that meant she would have to tear herself up from the inside to do so.

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