Moments Like These

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   Katsuki is waiting for him at the entrance of the cafe. His book bag is slung over his shoulder lazily and he's wearing Aldera's uniform. He's not nervous, but not at ease, either. He's holding himself uptight, hands clenched and white-knucled.

   Izuku smiles at him, saying without words I know. I feel the same. Izuku isn't wearing a school uniform since he's technically homeschooled. Instead, he's wearing black pants with a black button up jacket and a white undershirt. He gives Ru a hug and whispers, "Thank you."

   Ru playfully slaps his shoulder, "What for? You've gotten this far with your own two feet. You're going to do great, and once you two get back, I'll have the biggest feast you've ever seen." They smile, "I love you, kiddo."

   Izuku wipes tears from his eyes, ignoring Katsuki's small laugh, "I love you, too."

   Ru nods, and then looks to Bakugou, "Knock em' dead."

   Katsuki rolls his eyes, "Obviously." He fails to hide his smile.

   "Now get out of here!" Ru exclaims. Izuku puts on his yellow backpack and slips on his red shoes. He meets Katsuki at the door and takes his hand.

   "Ready?" Katsuki asks.

   Izuku walks out of the cafe, "Ready."


   U.A. is beautiful. He has to stop walking to admire it, pulling Katsuki to a stop as well. Excited teens walk past them, but Izuku doesn't take any notice. The U.A. building stands tall and proud, sunlight reflecting off of its windows. He meets Katsuki's eye and smiles. He's waited so long for this day.

   He turns to look back at the school, but gasps and takes a step back.


   The building is on fire. Smoke's enveloping it as the once gorgeous school crumbles to the ground. He swears he hears the screams of the people who didn't make it out. Izuku looks around and only sees red. Bodies are on the ground, flames swallowing everything in their path, destruction painting every surface. He nearly gags at the rancid smell of blood and burning flesh.


   He takes another step back, then another. A figure catches his eye.

   It's him.

   Blood is splattered on his alternate's face. His eyes are blank and dull, and it's easy to tell that no one is really there. That the body standing in front of him is just a puppet doing what it's told to do.

   Something grabs his arm, "Izuku!"

   He blinks, and everything is back to normal. The skies are blue, the trees aren't on fire, and U.A. is still standing. He slowly becomes aware of Katsuki gripping his arm, panic swirling in his ruby eyes. Izuku gulps and squeezes his eyes shut. He swears he can still smell the smoke and blood.

   "Sorry. Just... Sorry." He feels as Katsuki lets go of his arm and quickly grabs his hand instead. He feels himself slightly relax at the familiar comfort.

   "It's not going to happen."

   "It might."

   "It won't." At the sheer truthfulness of Katsuki's words, Izuku wills himself to look up at him. By looking at Katsuki's face, he sees that Katsuki truly believes what he said without an ounce of doubt.

   Izuku squeezes his hand, whispering, "Thank you."

   "Tch. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't help you?" Izuku huffs a small, but real laugh. He loves that word. Boyfriend.

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