Warmth of Company

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Aizawa followed Hato, naturally. The kid had a knife lodged into his fucking leg. He had no idea how Hato even managed to walk, let alone take five criminals down all by himself. Then there was the quirk that he wielded. Hato looked just as surprised as Shouta felt when his hands started glowing luminescent blue. Healing Arai's gunshot wound completely. Healing quirks were rare, especially ones that were that powerful.

    Maybe it was a quirk manifestation? One triggered by extreme stress? That would make at least some sense. Everything surrounding the young vigilante was enigmatic to just about everyone who accountered him.

    It didn't take long for Eraserhead to find Hato, and once he did, he went straight to work. Picking the kid up, Shouta raced towards the ambulance at the crime scene. He soon came to a halting stop when he thought about how angry the kid would be if he found himself in a hospital. All that trust Aizawa has been trying to build would all shatter to the ground like broken glass. The hospital would likely take off his mask, too. And no matter how much he was tempted to see who was behind the mask (and to see if his suspicions were correct), it just seemed cruel to take Hato's control like that. It should be his choice to reveal himself and not anyone else's.

    Aizawa layed Hato on the ground gently and sent a quick text to Tsukauchi that he found Hato and was going to take care of him at his apartment. He'll write his statement later. He picked the vigilante up into his arms, made a mental note of how light the boy was, and began to swiftly run back to his apartment.

    Yamada should be home by now, probably already in bed. He'll be ecstatic once he finds out that Aizawa brought the infamous Hato with him.


Izuku can't move. He tries and tries, but barely even twitches a muscle. He's standing in a dark room with stains everywhere. After a moment he realizes that the stains are blood.

All For One appears next to him and his cheeks stretch in what's supposed to be a smile. Izuku knows that expression will haunt him everytime he closes his eyes. He doesn't think he'll be able to ever sleep again after this is all over.

"I still think you can handle more quirks," The villain says effervescently, "do you want another quirk, my son?"

He wanted to yell, scream, shout until his throat was raw. Izuku was not his son.  He never will be, but he can't shake his head or even speak, so he just stands silently trying to convey as much hatred in his eyes as possible. Izuku will not be brought down. 

AFO laughs, his whole body shaking in the process. The hideous smile growing, sending shivers down Izuku's spine. He pats Izuku's shoulders, "Right, you can't speak. I'll let you have that one grace."

Without a second thought (which wasn't such a great idea on Izuku's part. He really should be taking careful steps when this devil is around) he shouts, "I don't want any more of your fucking quirks, and for the last time, I will never be your son."Izuku snaps his teeth together, as if that would intimidate the man.

All For one sighs, "Very well then. Tomura, bring her in."

Color drains from Izuku's face as he witnesses Shigaraki come waltzing in the room with Uraraka Ochaco with him. Izuku has never been more scared in his entire life. The time when Kacchan was kidnapped at the summer camp was terrifying, but he served a purpose to the League. Ochako didn't. She would just be used to getting Izuku to do what they wanted.

"Ochako!" Izuku says at the same time Uraraka yells his hero name. They haven't seen each other in weeks, if Izuku had to guess how long he's been trapped here. He missed her so much, but God, would he give anything to not see her here.

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