Waking Up to Reality

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   Shouta picks up Izuku and Katsuki at around nine in the morning. Both Katsuki and Aizawa are grumpy at having to be awake so early in the day. Both slouching in the car seats with Aizawa chugging  a thermos filled with coffee and Katsuki grumbling inaudible sentences.

    Izuku -even with no sleep from the night prior- was full of energy. Bouncing in his seat and talking non-stop. It could've been the first cup of coffee he's had in years that he somehow managed to sneak in, or visiting U.A. The highschool will always be a home to him, and everyone in it. It had to be a big reason as to why he's still fighting. U.A was his world.

    (And then there was his Kacchan. His entire universe. Without him, Izuku wouldn't know what love was. That's why it hurts. Throbs and aches so much that he'll have to leave him again.)

    "Deku, how do you have so much energy?!" Katsuki grouches out.

    "The kid's right, it's too early to be bouncing off walls."

    "But it's U.A.! You should be just as excited as I am, Kacchan." He chooses not to tell them about his little intake of caffeine this morning. They don't have to know. Izuku snickers to himself about his little mischievousness.

    This seems to bring Katsuki out of his tired state, a fire growing in his eyes, "Damn right! It's about time I wake up!" He then proceeds to slap himself in the face. It leaves his two red handprints imprinted onto his cheeks, and while Izuku should've been worried, he instead thought it was absolutely hilarious.

    "Hey, problem child. I've been meaning to ask you a question." Aizawa says as he shows a security guard his ID at the school gates. It was as big as he remembered, if not more so. Katsuki's mouth hung open in awe as he finally got to see his dream school in the flesh. To the blonde, it was everything he's dreamed of.

    The fact that Izuku was right next to him made it a hundred times better.

    "What is it?"

    "Did we meet before you got rescued?" The question makes Izuku stiffen in his seat. Because no, they had never once crossed paths until the rescue, so why? Why would he be asking that question? It made him internally freak out for reasons that he didn't know.

    He shakes his head, and then realizes Aizawa wouldn't be able to see him, "No. Why?"

    They step out of the car -Katsuki practically jumps out of it- and start to head towards the building. Izuku and Katsuki take it in with sparkling eyes.

    "Izu, someday we'll get to go here everyday," His voice was awe-inspired. Laced with excitement for the upcoming future. Izuku smiled sadly at Katsuki.

    "You just seemed familiar. Guess it was just my mind playing tricks on me," Something wasn't right with this. Aizawa never questions his instinct, and this definitely has something to do with his instinct. It sends Izuku into a near frenzy. The feeling he got way back during the beginning is coming back. There's still something missing.

    He hopes it comes back to him, and soon.

    Right as they enter the building they are greeted by Nezu and a tall man with bright yellow hair. Eyes sunken in but brighter than the blue ocean. Izuku's face lights up at seeing Yagi, but a quiet part of his mind latches onto the information that he looks weaker and so much more tired than when he last saw him.

    "Toshinori-san! Do you remember me? My name is Midoriya Izuku and we met at the park a few years ago!" It would make his entire day if Yagi remembered him (from this time, because there was no way anyone could remember him or anything else from the other timeline), but he doubts the number one hero would remember a short little encounter with a kid barely older than a toddler.

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