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Izuku fell to his knees, not caring that he landed on shattered glass. Glass that was now digging itself into his legs. He should've been here. He could have protected Ru from getting kidnapped. If only he was faster getting the groceries or did his other chores first. Why does he always fail? No matter how hard he tries, Izuku is never there in time to save the ones who he cares for most.

    He springs to his feet, wincing at the sight of his legs. Shards are still embedded in his skin with blood covering most of his legs. It's going to be a nuisance to clean up, but he can't bring himself to care at the moment. Somewhere Ru is out there. He doesn't give a damn that Ru said not to save them. Like Izuku would ever listen to that.

    There has to be something. A hint or clue that the attacker (or attackers, Izuku think begrudgingly) left behind. There can't just be nothing. Izuku looks everywhere. Tries to smell for something that would lead him to a clue. His eyes search every single crevice in the entire building. His ears stretch for any sound that might indicate that someone is still here. Watching.

    He finds nothing.

    Izuku goes to his bathroom to work on his still bleeding legs. While taking out his emergency kit and getting to work, Izuku forces his disoriented, panicked mind to think. Was Ru acting worried at all? Was there any hint that someone might be after her? Did Ru owe anybody anything?

    (He tries not to feel the satisfaction he felt so long ago when looking at his red legs covered in cuts. He urges himself to forget about his past habits. Those nasty coping-skills that always stuck with him. The urge to do it whenever he failed or proved to be useless. He struggles to ignore them, even now. Especially now.)

    He bites his lip in pain as he pulls the last shard out with a pair of tweezers. Everyone has a reason for the things they do. So there has to be a motive to kidnap Arai. An action that they're (whoever they are) going to regret. Izuku won't fail again. He will save Hotaru.

    He continues to brainstorm while cleaning up his injuries and bandaging them (Ignore, push aside, disregard the familiarity. Why are these urges coming up now?!). There's only one thing that Izuku keeps coming back to. The only person that Izuku has met during his time working at the cafe that sent alarms through his head.

    Chinen Yaku. For the three weeks that Izuku has lived and worked at Kaiteki Cafe, Chinen has visited every Sunday. He's the guy that helped Ru build and design the Cafe. The one who wanted something from Arai. Izuku hated when the tall, dark skinned male stared at Ru. It made him stand on edge. Arai seemed to not notice, or if they did, they ignored it. The gaze wasn't seductive or dark per say, but whenever Izuku thought about it the word "possessive" popped up. The man's eyes always sheared over with a predatory essence whenever he looked at Ru.

    And whenever Ru asked when she could pay him back, Chinen always said the same thing.

    "You'll find out soon enough."

    It has to be him. Izuku is so stupid! How could he not see it sooner? Why did he have to ignore his instincts (that were enhanced by one of his quirks) that this man was dangerous? Because of course Izuku couldn't bask in even a ray of happiness before it was stripped away from him.

    But he would get it back. Izuku will save Ru no matter what. He wouldn't be able to bear the loneliness any longer than he already has. Ru has been his lifeline, and he'll be her's as well. He swears it.
Izuku will protect the ones he loves this time. He has too, or he might as well die.   

    Izuku waits until night to put his vigilante outfit on and hop out into the lit-up city. Waiting all day was painful, but he couldn't be Hato during the day. It would be too risky since he would be sticking out like a sore thumb- leaping across roofs and whatnot. Getting arrested by some hero wouldn't help him rescue Ru. He kisses the ribbon around his wrist for good luck, knowing he'll need all the luck he can receive.

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