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"Daddyyyyy!" I smiled as I heard JoJo's high pitched voice screaming for me and I immediately knelt down. I held out my arms and she immediately crashed into them. I don't know what it is about my daughter but the world doesn't seem so bad whenever she's around. I love how she doesn't have a care in the world about anyone or anything. How easy life is for her not having to worry about the stupid grown ups in the world, bills, typical grown up stuff. I envy her. "Hey, hey what about me?" We both looked at Dean and she giggled hugging him to, "Sorry Uncle Jon." He just smirked, "It's okay."

I rolled my eyes standing up and hugged Galina tightly. Being on the road 24/7 makes a man insane when he has a family back home. I missed my family so much. But I couldn't help but think of Brie, who had no choice but to hide in the shower where she had come from. The water wasn't running so it would seems as though nobody was back there. Thank God. Brie just has to remain quiet. Galina held me closer to her and I smiled, "And how are you beautiful?" "Much better now. I've missed you so much Joe." She hugged me again and I looked at Dean, who shook his head giving me a look. I pointed toward the door, "Give me some alone time with my fiancé, will ya? I think there's ice cream in catering today, Jojo. Uncle Jon will take you."

Dean rolled his eyes and JoJo excitedly took off outside the locker room. It forced Dean to run to try and keep up with her. I pulled away slowly and looked at her, "You okay?" "Of course I am, I just missed you so much. Jojo misses you so much. I can never get use to being home without you, you know." I chuckled, "Well I miss you too. I'd call you every night but shows run late so, I call when I can. You know how it is." She nodded looking down. I frowned and tilted her head up to look at me, "Baby girl, you know you're my number one." Lies. She's my number three. JoJo, Brie, then Galina. I'm such a terrible person but I can't stop.

"Really?" She asked smiling. I forgot that Brie was back there and I nodded, "Of course. Nothing's ever gonna change that. Pretty soon we'll be getting married and I'll take a few months off for the honeymoon. Won't be long now until you're Mrs. Anoa'i, how's that sound?" "Sounds perfect if I ever get these wedding invitations decorated." I glanced at the clock then looked at her, "You're stuck between two right? Let me see. But we'll have to make this quick you know. My match is up in a few minutes."

We picked out the invitations in plenty of time and we honestly just made out on locker room floor. I felt ten times worse because Brie was in the shower just having to listen to our grunts and moans and romantic venom flowing from our mouths. I kept kissing her hungrily and roughly because there's just something about lips being on mine that just drive me into a frenzy. No matter who's it is. She pulled away slowly after awhile to look at the clock, "Dont you have a match?" I frowned, "I can skip it." "No, no. Go wrestle." I started kissing her neck as she protested. She gently shoved me backwards then stood up fixing her dress that I just messed up.

Eventually, my fiancé had left to go find our daughter then their seats which was perfect timing. As soon as she closed the door, Brie came storming out of the shower, fully clothed now, and furious. She didn't say anything. She simply walked up, smacked me across the face hard, then stormed toward the locker room door. She grabbed the knob and shook her head, "I can't fucking believe you. You're so fucking disgusting. Why would you make me sit through that? God I hate you, you're a pig."

I frowned rubbing my cheek, "Brianna wait. Baby-" but it was too late. She slammed the door behind her.

Did I ever mention that I was in trouble?

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