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Roman's POV:

"Maybe there's traffic. Or she could've just gotten held up in her meeting with Hunter and Stephanie. Nikki's always been known to make an entrance. I don't remember the last time she was on time for anything."

"Brie's right. You listening? Don't worry so hard, she's coming." I added as Dean's leg shook under the table uncomfortably. After the show, Brie and I decided to celebrate our new found drama free lives together by going to a new bar in town. It was kind of a relief being out in public together but I loved the mystery that our affair brought. But I'm also so glad that it's over. It was getting out of hand. I rubbed my thumb against the back of her hand as our main focus was Dean. Nikki was suppose to meet us, him, and Neville here once her meeting with The Authority was over with. It's been two hours since then.

"Okay but what if she's hurt?" Dean glanced between us. "Guys, I really have a bad feeling about this. You said she's usually always on her phone? She hasn't answered any of the texts I sent."

I raised my eyebrows, "Are you sure you sent the text correctly? Wait. Better question. Are you sure you were actually texting?"

Dean fake smiled, "Funny.." He paused then quickly took the phone out to check and make sure. I laughed, shrugging.

"She hasn't answered mine either," Brie sighed staring at her own phone.

"I called six times already," I added.

"You think we should try and look for her?" Neville looked up from the menu at Dean.

Dean shook his head, "I don't know, man. Maybe in twenty minutes if she's not here or we haven't heard from her."
He took the beer in his hand to his lips and drank it slowly.

I'd never seen him so concerned in his entire life. He reminded me of one of those parents who worry too much when they're children go off to camp for the summer. Nervous, anxious, twitchy. You'd think he was an addict of some sort because he would not sit still. He was either tapping his foot, drinking his beer (that he's been on for twenty minutes shockingly), or glancing at the entrance.

"Jon, you're killing me here. She's fine. She's coming. Just relax," I watched him and he looked at me. He simply nodded.

I started to reassure him again when my phone started buzzing in my pocket causing me to jump a little. The silence broke when all three of them started laughing and I flipped them off, "All of you would've jumped too. Especially you, Jon."

"Probably," He shrugged. "Who is it? Is it Nikki?"

I tilted my head at the phone, "It's my mom," I pressed the green phone to answer and cleared my throat, "Hello?"


I jumped up quickly at the sound of my daughters voice. I almost immediately picked up on the crack in her voice and could tell she was crying. "JoJo? Baby? What's wrong? What's going on?"

"Grandma gave me the phone so I could talk to you as she spoke to the ambulance guys. She said it would make me feel better but I can't, she's gone. She's gone," JoJo started crying on the other end of the phone.

"Slow down, honey. Ambulance guys? What Ambulance guys? What's going on? Are you okay? Talk to me."

"Joe?" Now it was my mother's voice which made me worry even more. What the hell is going on?

"Mom? What's going on? Is JoJo okay? Where's Gal?"

"Joelle is....she's going to be okay. Gal, she-"

"Ma'am, we're going to need a number to the next of kin." I heard someone in the background say.

"What? Who's that? Mom, what's happening?" I asked.

"Oh, yes of course. Would her fiancé count?" I heard my mom say. There was a few mumbling a back and forth which made me grow really impatient, "Mom! Tell me what's going on!"

"Joe, please calm down. There's no easy way of telling you this...."

"Mom, please." I said desperately in a panic.

"Sir, your fiancé has committed suicide. It seems as though your daughter that she was sleeping but she was unconscious instead. I'm sorry for your-"

The phone slipped from my hands and hit the floor. My heart felt like it might jump out of my chest and everything just happened in slow motion.

"Joe? Joe, you're scaring me. What's wrong baby? Baby?" I felt Brie's tiny hand wrap around my arm as best it could while she stood up next to me. Even though she was standing right beside me, she still sounded so far away from me. They all did. I could hear mumbled voices saying my name, calling for me, begging for a reply. Words could not just do it. I had nothing to say. The only thing in my mind is that Gal is dead.

I looked around at everyone and finally said quietly, "I just lost my best friend..." I turned to Dean, "Gal killed herself."
And that's it for this charming tale.

Sad ending but it opens a door for a sequel.

Which I gotta stop talking about sequels with my stories but don't worry, I'm going to do this one.

Just, eventually.

I swear I thought I wrote this and published it already but I guess I didn't.

Wattpad is being weird as usual. Like sometimes, I look at my Works and it makes it seem like I don't have any stories.

But then, I look again and it's back. Weird.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this final chapter.

I'm debating on an Epilogue for this but I don't know. I've never written an Epilogue for a story.

First time for everything.

Anyways, try and think of these questions and many more as you wait for the sequel:

Where's Nikki?

What's going to happen with Joe?

What about Brie?

What about JoJo? Do you think Joe's going to take her on the road with him?

And how will Brie adjust to kind of being a stepmom toward her while being a new mom in general?

And where, oh where, does Bram fit into all this?

Where's Bryan and Charlotte?

What about John?

All these things and more!

No, I haven't thought up a name for the sequel yet as I never do right away.

But if I decide to write an epilogue, I'll have the title.

If you'd like suggesting titles, that'd be cool too I guess.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this (:

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