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"So, is it true?" I looked up when I heard Brie's voice. She walked into my locker room without even knocking. "Shouldn't you be with your husband?" "I'm going but I had to come in here and talk to you first. I wanna know what the hell Bray was talking about." "Bray Wyatt is delusional. Everyone knows that." I turned away from her packing my clothes up since the show is ending at any moment now. "That's not what I asked you, Ro. What's going on? We've been friends for how long now? Be honest. Is it true?" Be honest. Yeah right. I couldn't be honest if I tried. Lying is the only way.

"No," I said,"Of course it isn't. You and I are just friends. I'm not in love with you. Now you should probably go be with Bryan and leave Bray Wyatt to me." She smiled and I kinda wish she didn't because that made my heart explode. She makes this whole thing just a little bit harder. Damn her for being so perfect. No, damn you Roman for feeling this way. "See, I told Nicole you were just being your usual sweet self coming out and defending my husband and I. Thank you, Ro. I owe you one." She stood on her tippy toes and kissed my cheek. Again, something I wish she hadn't done. She smiled sweetly at me, said thanks again, then left my locker room. Not five seconds after, Dean walked in with a huge grin on his face. Oh god.I put my hand up before he could speak, "I don't wanna hear it. Let's just go back to the room okay?"

Dean didn't say a word to me on the ride back to the hotel but he was going to I can tell. He kept glancing at me as he drove us and every time, it would be a huge smirk. It reminded me of a little kid just dying to tell the world about something he discovered. It's gonna be a long night, I can already tell. As soon as we entered the room and the door was closed, I slung my bag on the couch sitting down. I was ready for it and he held nothing back, "Joe?" That threw me off. He never calls me by my actual name. That's weird. I gave him a funny look, "Jon?" He smiled at me and sat down with a beer in his hand, "So what's going on with you and Brianna?"

I sighed, "Nothing. Brie and I are just friends." "Oh really? You guys seem pretty friendly in the locker room there." "Dude, we were talking about tonight's events. That's it." "What is it about Brie? It's Nikki with the nice tits. That I would've understood but Brie? Really?" I frowned, "You don't get it. Brie and I are just friends. Nothing more. I have no feelings for her in that way. I have a daughter and I have a fiancé, my family is most important to me." "Beer?" Dean got up, grabbed the six pack from the fridge and brought it in front of me. It's probably not a good idea. Everyone knows that once I accept one beer, a thousand are thrown back like a champ. Fuck it. I've had a hell of a night and I deserve one.

Ambrose and I stayed up drinking all night reminiscing about our days at FCW and our Shield days. Hilarious stories about nights like these where we'd get piss poor drunk and have to carry Seth out of several bars. Seth and I had to carry Dean out of bars plus strip clubs. Between those two, they're terrible drunks. I'm more of a quiet drinker however. I usually have better self-control but lately, it's been the opposite. Ever since the Shield's split, I've been a little wilder than usual. I'm the one who usually says for Dean and I to get drunk. Of course, Ambrose agrees. He's never one to turn down a good time. That's my brother for you.

At some point, Dean had passed out on the couch. I laughed as I watched him do so, then got up putting a blanket over him. I slowly walked to the kitchen then went into the fridge looking around for more to drink. What the hell? Seems as though we've overdone it and drank everything. I glanced at the clock and it was two a.m. I could get more. Yeah that's what I'll do. I grabbed what looked like my jacket then walked out of our hotel room.

I somehow managed to find the liquor store all by my drunk self. Score one for Superman. As I was paying, the cashier smiled and asked, "Has anyone ever told you that you look like Roman Reigns?" I smirked and decided to have some fun with the guy, "Roman Reigns? Who's that?" "WWE Superstar? Roman Reigns? Future WWE champion?" I shrugged, "Sorry dude. No idea. I'm just plain old Joe." "You should look him up. Like, check this out." The cashier pulled out his phone and showed me his wallpaper. It was blurry but that's only cause I was drunk. I could tell it was me though. I pointed to the picture, "He has a Tribal tattoo on upper arm. Kinda like." I put the beer down then lifted my sleeve up to reveal my tattoo. Dude looked like he shit himself.

I took a picture with the guy once I confirmed that I was Roman Reigns and he pretty much freaked out the entire night. I don't think he could tell that I was pretty wasted. He even paid for the booze I was buying which he insisted upon. Once I said my goodbyes to him and signed everything that was on him, I turned around only to almost run into someone. A tiny petite little figure that has ran into me before. "Wow. Roman Reigns and Brie Bella in one night!" The cashier exclaimed excitedly. She smiled at him then me, "Fancy meeting you here." Yeah. No kidding. Words seemed hard to form at this point and I probably looked really stupid just looking at her. God...she's so beautiful. Drunk thoughts turned sexual but were stopped quickly when the cashier asked, "Did you guys come here together?"

I cleared my throat and dismissed it, "What? No. No way. She's married, I'm engaged, so yeah. No, we didn't come here together. Why would we come here together?" Smooth Joe, real smooth. You were better when you didn't say anything. Shit, shit. What am I suppose to do? Brie looked at me weirdly so I cleared my throat again, "I mean-" "No, we didn't come here together." She gave him a warm smile, signed some stuff for him, then grabbed the alcohol I was buying and walked out of the liquor store.

So I made the decision to do what most guys would do if a beautiful woman took their booze, I followed her. That was the first mistake I'd ever made when it came to Brie Bella.

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